What is the answer to the growing USA debt problem? Get rid the infamous credit cards? How about a little bit of self-discipline? It's not in style anymore, but it is still the best policy towards getting out of debt.
You must religiously pay off your credit card balance each month. Do not buy something now and expect your end of year bonus to pay off your credit card bills. Even if you do get it, you will surely spend it on something else.
The USA debt struggles originated in the habit of living off with credit cards. A classic example is, if you have $1000 of disposable income to spend each month, be responsible enough to spend only $1000. Do not try to make up for extra expenditures each month by assuming you can catch up on your credit card payment. It will not happen.
If you have developed some bad credit card habits, dispose your credit cards. Just keep one for emergency use and resolve to pay off the balance each month. Then, create a plan to get yourself out of debt and stick to it. You will be relieved of stress, avoid family conflicts, and sleep well at night knowing that there are no creditors to harass you.
Credits cards are convenient. They are a great way to make purchases. You can also use your credit card statements to keep track of how much you are spending and where your money goes each month. Credit cards may actually save you money. Some people tend to avoid making purchases if they do not have cash. Cash seems to burn a hole in your pocket, it just disappears. It is so easy to spend. A credit card takes more effort and you know that you have to pay the bill later on.
Some purchases especially those on the Internet, can only accept credit card payment. And you don't have to continually go to the bank or ATM to get cash. A credit card also provides a measure of safety. You don't have to carry large amount of cash for large purchases.
The advantages will depend on you as a credit card user. A credit card can be your very best friend or your worst enemy. If you should encounter being deep in debt because of credit cards, never fear, debt settlement companies are here. Debt management is one of the solutions to the USA debt problems. You should consider the help offered by these professionals that act as negotiators between you and your creditors. Get rid of your financial burdens once and for all.

Author's Bio: 

Debt Free Solutions is a debt consulting company located in Long Beach, CA. We have been in business for 10 years. We assist Americans across the U.S. to eliminate excessive credit card and other unsecured debt.

We utilize various programs and strategies to aid them in dissolving their debt in the quickest, safest, and most efficient method possible. We also analyze the risk factor. We structure our programs to drastically minimize the risk that is inevitable with all debt elimination programs.

We offer our clients much more than a debt settlement company does. The vast majority of debt negotiation companies simply settle your debts on your behalf with your creditors- nothing more.

On the other hand, we provide free services to significantly help to minimize the risks that are involved in negotiating with your creditors.

First, we offer a free, no-risk 10 day trial service. During our free trial, we negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to lower your interest rates. Also, we research to see if you have any old debts that you are not legally liable to repay. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, you simply walk away. No commitments. No contracts.

Next, we provide a comprehensive credit repair service to all our clients. This is a $795 service that is absolutely free!

Also, we offer free attorney consultation (a maximum of five sessions) in case one or more of your creditors makes any threats.

Last, we provide a written guarantee that our clients’ creditors will settle for an average of 50% or more for all of the debts they attempt to negotiate.

Our services are competitively priced- and include the above free services!