At a time of rising oil prices, economic downturn, and international unrest, what might be the value proposition to exporting yourself overseas for a vacation? The following are just a few of the reasons you might consider rewarding yourself with a cross-cultural trip:

• Expand your experiences: You’ll undergo endeavors that are quite different from your everyday life.
• Gain awareness: You’ll observe how our counterparts in other nations live.
• You will be forever changed: You’ll see new things and when you return, you’ll see the familiar things in your life in a new way.

Last year, 75% of those who went on nature, adventure or cultural trips were women (sources: source 1 source 2 ). Women are seeking meaningful experiences with their vacation hours and there are a multitude of options available.

Before traveling internationally, it’s important to consider what you’d like to get out of the vacation:

• To be active?
• Cultural education?
• Site seeing?

All of the above and more can often be combined in one trip, so establish an itinerary (or verify the one a tour offers) to provide you the right mix of what you’re after. You may be interested in folding in some volunteerism (for which you may be able to write off a portion of your trip on your taxes). Conferences, theme trips, and learning expeditions provide the safety of groups and often allow for time on your own to explore the sites that most interest you.

Having traveled through 40 countries on 6 continents in the last 16 years, I encourage you to experience the unique confidence gained from navigating through lands in which the best thing you brought with you was your ingenuity. Some recommendations include:
• Get a good guide book in advance (don’t rely on a tour guide to let you know the interesting points of what you’ll be seeing, he or she might not cover the aspects that are of intrigue to you).
• Dress conservatively if in non-Western countries. In addition to avoiding sending a wrong message, your clothing will depict respect for the culture and people whom you’ll be visiting.
• Learn at least 3 words in the host language, they will go a long way:
o Hello (or good day)
o Please (or excuse me)
o Thank you

Your new perspective will be the best souvenir you brought home. Bon voyage!

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