Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. It has successfully treated infertility, gynecological, male factor, and many other illnesses and health problems facing couples for 5,000 years. Western medicine as we know it is just over 200 years old. TCM protocols differ from the procedures used in Western medicine—but their use offers hope for many for whom Western medicine is trying to or who has not yet helped. Several studies prove that your chances of conception, pregnancy and take home baby rates are increased when using acupuncture whether you are trying naturally or in conjunction with IUI or IVF. Some reports indicate a 40-60% improvement rate when used concurrently. Unexplained infertility is increasing rapidly for both men and women. The benefits of acupuncture in treating infertility have proven to be significant and many couples may be helped sooner on this journey by exploring TCM.

So how does it work?

TCM treats holistically, balancing, nourishing and supporting your blood and organ systems. A balanced body system is necessary for a male to have an adequate sperm count, motility and morphology and for a woman to make good follicles, good eggs, sufficient uterine lining and to help prevent miscarriage. Our body becomes “out of sync” with chronic stress, overwork, poor nutrition, long term use of medications, exposure to toxins and chemicals, smoking, alcohol use, etc. Your body is like a “circuit board connecting with your brain”. Life is busy and stressful for most of us it is easy for our bodies to “shut down” and be unbalanced. It is like some of the switches on our “circuit board” have been turned off creating blockages causing physical or emotional imbalances. TCM restores balance and blood flow and opens up our “circuit boards” so that the body better functions without stress or duress. The body and endocrine system feel safe and in better working order to conceive, carry and deliver!

TCM allows your body to function more efficiently and optimally and can:

• Improve and supports your immune system
• Reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and worry
• Create calmness and a more “grounded” feeling
• Reduce toxic effects of medications
• Regulate the menstrual cycle
• Help normalize reproductive hormones
• Promote blood blow to the uterus and ovaries
• Improve ovarian function which includes follicle and egg quantity and quality
• Reduce uterine contractions after IVF assisting implantation
• Reduce miscarriage and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
• Assist in thickening the uterine lining
• Improve sperm count, motility and morphology

Does it hurt?
No, acupuncture is a very gentle and relaxing protocol! The needles are very thin –hairline. You may feel a tiny pinch or nothing. It is safe with little or no side effects. In fact, TCM practitioners treat children. Women can be treated all the way through pregnancy in high risk cases, or to counter the effects of morning sickness, fatigue, headaches, edema, back pain, etc.

What can I expect at my first visit?

The acupuncturist will go through your medical history and discuss your signs and symptoms. They look at your tongue and check your pulse and explain how they can best help you based on your symptoms and your fertility goals. Nutrition, diet and lifestyle are also important part of becoming pregnant and are discussed. She will explain an appropriate treatment plan for you. TCM practitioners work closely with fertility specialists and are an important part of an IUI or IVF cycle.

If you have unexplained infertility, male factor issues, are trying naturally or have had a poor response to IVF do not be discouraged—-conception, pregnancy and delivery is a journey and TCM is here to help each and everyone of you succeed.

“He, who has health, has hope, and he who has hope, has everything.” --Chinese Proverb

Dr. Albertson has been practicing for 15 years and has an office in Irvine, CA.

Author's Bio: 

California state licensed-Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (1995)

Nationally Board-Certified (NCCAOM) Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (1995)

Ph.D. Holistic Nutrition. Clayton College of Natural Health (2006)

Dissertation “The Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Treating Female Infertility”

ISBN: 1-58112 -351-5

Masters of Science; SAMRA University of Oriental Medicine, CA (1995)

Advanced Clinical study: Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1995)

Shanghai Fang Yi Hospital, Shanghai (1995)

Masters of Arts: Counseling and Personnel; Western Michigan University, Michigan (1975)

Bachelor of Science: Business and Marketing, Colorado State University, Colorado (1973)

Certified NAET Practitioner; Dr. Nambutripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (1995)

Certified Acupuncture Orthopedics - 300 certified hours