You may have heard of the health benefits of black tea, but did you know it’s also a great all round skin care product? Loaded with antioxidants and trace amounts of other nutrients, black tea can help tone the skin, reduce fine lines and puffiness, and get rid of blemishes. If you’re trying to reduce the chemicals in your life, black tea might have a place on your shelves beside your other natural skin care treatment products. Here’s what it can do for you.

Most people get their astringents at the drug store but, if you’ve got black tea in the house, you have everything you need. After cleansing your face well, splash on cool or warm tea. It tights the pores and helps tone the skin.

If you have puffiness under the eyes, or on the eyelids, brew a cup of black tea with two tea bags. Once the tea is fully brewed, put the bags in the fridge to cool. It only takes a few minutes. Then lie down, place a tea bag on each eye, and rest there for about 15 minutes. The puffiness will reduce as you take a few minutes to relax.

Are you lips a little wrinkled and dry? Try a tea bag. Place a warm tea bag on your lips for about five minutes and your lips will be moist and smooth. You might want to combine this with the eye tightening. Lip conditioners are all the rage these days: lipstick isn’t just color anymore. Drug store shelves are loaded with lipsticks that also tighten, plump and smooth. But many of these products contain toxic ingredients. You’re better off with a natural skin care treatment like black tea.

To fight a new blemish and keep it from blossoming, place a warm, wet tea bag on the spot. It will help draw out the impurities, and tighten the skin.

One of the best things about this natural skin care treatment is that is does double duty as a healthful drink. Black tea stimulates circulation of blood to the brain, reduces cortisol �" the stress hormone, fights aging and reduces cancer risk with its antioxidant polyphenols, can help fight cardiovascular disease and may reduce cholesterol, and boosts the immune system.

Most of us have bathroom shelves loaded with products that contain toxic ingredients. The unfortunate truth is: they actually damage the skin, our bodies and the environment. Do yourself a favor and replace some of them with black tea. It will help give you the healthy skin you’re looking for and be a real boost to your natural skin care treatment routine.

Author's Bio: 

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, please visit