You carry it around every day, you use it constantly. It sees you more than your children do, or your dog. What is it? Your cell phone. Most people experience a mild sense of panic when they realize they’ve left the house without their phone. If your significant other doesn’t answer when you call- you assume someone has died, or that they’re in the middle of an important job interview. And what’s that glowing, blue light that appears now and then in movie theatres? Yup. That’d be a cell phone. But here’s the question: What does your cell phone say about you? What styles, colors, features define your mobile experience? Find your phone (or something similar) below, and see what your choice reveals about your inner workings. Do you own a….
Nokia 6120 Classic:
The classic. That’s you- you have a timeless sense of style, and fit in almost anywhere you go. You don’t need the latest gadget or color scheme to prove your worth, you provide substance through quality. You love to streamline, get rid of anything unnecessary, and stick to the basics. Your simple approach to life makes it fun and it’s easy to get through the day. You’re low maintenance, and can run forever without recharging your batteries. You could definitely leave your phone in the car while grabbing dinner with friends. What’s more important than real life?
HTC S710
At first glance, one might think you’re run of the mill. That couldn’t be more untrue- you are more than meets the eye. You’re ready for anything- with a few minor adjustments. Your motto is always prepared- wherever you go you’re linked in. You’re never far from email, chats with friends, or access to important documents. Punctuality is key- you love to schedule reminders to help you through your day. You’re an expert multi-tasker and would never let technology, or your phone, slow you down.
Sony W580i
You are up on all the currents trends, and that includes music. When you hear something new that you just love, you have to have it, NOW. You value form and function- style is as important usability. Also, you hate to be weighed down by multiple devices, less is definitely more. Unless, of course, you can get more, out of less. You need to express your style- you shouldn’t be defined by your cell phone, your cell phone should be defined by you.
Motorola MOTO Q gsm
You want everything, and you usually get it. Style, function, work, play- it all fits in. You value clarity- ease of access, and beauty. Nothing is worth having that doesn’t add an element of style to life. You might have a lot on your plate, but you let technology supplement your ability to get it together. Constant access to email and internet helps you keep in touch on the go, but it doesn’t take over your life. You know when it’s time to turn the phone off and experience the freedom that you can only know when you’re truly unreachable.

Author Kevin Cantera, a free lance writer in Utah, writes beautifully about how your choice of phone say about you. For more information on phones, free mobile phone ringtones, free cell phone video, mobile video sharing, please visit

Author's Bio: 

Author Kevin Cantera, a free lance writer in Utah, writes beautifully about how your choice of phone say about you. For more information on phones, free mobile phone ringtones, free cell phone video, mobile video sharing, please visit