These days everyone seems to be complaining about wrinkles and aging. Both men and women are worried about what they look like, and they are filled with questions as to what to do about their concerns.
Naturally, this makes for a very fertile field for cosmetic and skincare companies. Television and print ads are appearing regularly with promises to keep us young forever.
Well, the bad news is that, like linen, skin is guaranteed to wrinkle. BUT, there’s good news to counter that awful prediction:
Anyone, at any age can smooth and soften those inevitable lines and wrinkles!
Yes, daily moisturizing and periodic exfoliation can assure a face that is not punctuated by dry, unsightly wrinkles and lines. And once you get into the habit of truly taking care of your skin, the results will astound you.
Here’s my personal regime:
1. I use only creams without chemicals, colorings or perfumes. All are ultimately damaging to the skin. I purchase my face and body care products from my local Health Food Store and from Ardath Aromas. Then my skin “knows” that it’s getting the purest and finest ingredients, with no toxins.
2. I wash with Dr. Bronner’s Lavender soap….yes, SOAP! Our skin excretes oils, and atmospheric pollutants are often oil-based. Since all oils get rancid, which is aging, they must be washed completely away every day.
3. Post-washing it’s important to rinse thoroughly with cool water before applying moisturizer.
4. As to exfoliation, I NEVER USE commercial products that promise to remove dead skin. Instead I vigorously brush my skin with a natural fiber buff pad or brush. This removes dead cells, increases circulation, and stimulates the skin to a glowing freshness and brightness.
Want a totally wrinkle-free face? I say, no way.
Want a lovely, clean glowing, sexy face, at every age?
To that I say, “yes.”
Take good care of your skin, and it will take good care of you.
“Get Hattie's Exclusive RetroAge Newsletter FREE and Get Hattie's Personal Tips For Living Young, Getting Young and Feeling Young... No Matter what YOUR age! http://www.hattieretroage.com/ Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.”
To order your copy of “Exquisite Aging” http://www.amazon.com/
Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.
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