Urinary tract infections can be extremely painful, and you may be desperate to try anything if it means that the pain will go away. This article will explain the advantages and disadvantages of using UTI pain killers.

First, if you suspect that you have a urinary tract infection, you should see a doctor right away. Unlike the common cold, a UTI will not go away by itself, and can only get worse as time goes on. Also, if left untreated, the bacteria can reach your ureters and kidneys. You do not want the infection to get that far, because it can cause permanent damage to your kidneys and even be fatal at that point.

Of course, problems always seem to strike on the weekends or over the holidays. If you cannot get to a doctor right away, then one way you can temporarily stop the pain is by taking special pain killers designed for urinary tract infections. They are available over the counter in pharmacies as well as many grocery stores. You will find that there are many different brands available, but they all contain similar ingredients. The most popular brands are Uristat and AZO.

However, be aware that there are many side effects for these medicines, some of which can be as bad as a UTI itself! For example, when I first tried Uristat out of pure desperation, I lied on my bed feeling so nauseated that if I moved, I probably had to vomit. But it did take away the UTI pain, and most people do not experience these side effects, so it’s definitely worth a try if your pain is unbearable.

Please do not use normal “all-in-one” pain killers such as Advil or Tylenol. They might advertise to work on everything, but they don’t work on urinary tract infection pain at all. I know and have tried them. While they did not make me feel any worse than they did, they certainly were not beneficial. And besides, consuming medication you don’t need is definitely not good for your health. Stick to those designed for urinary tract pain until you can see a doctor.

For more tips on how to ease urinary tract infection pain, please click here.

Author's Bio: 

Sherry Han is a natural cure enthusiast. Being a college student on a low budget, she soon found that she was unable to keep going to the doctor month after month, and began to research how to naturally fix her ailments. Her latest discovery is a 100% natural way to cure urinary tract infections quickly and cheaply. Please visit http://urinarytractinfection.naturalcuresource.com for more details.