All people search in their lives for meaning. Chariss Walker reminds people that joy is the purpose of their lives and they can find that joy by understanding the spiritual laws that govern the universe as she explains in her phenomenal new book "Make a Joyful Noise: Searching for a Spiritual Path in a Material World" (ISBN 9780595481194, iUniverse 2008).

"Make a Joyful Noise" teaches about true spirituality by first exploring the spiritual laws that govern the universe. The book delves into the details of each of fourteen spiritual laws including the laws of oneness, attraction, action, vibration, and forgiveness. Walker teaches people how to put each of these laws into practice through such actions as prayer, meditation, visualization and thanksgiving.

Knowledge of spiritual laws leads people to understanding their higher purposes in life. Walker believes everyone has a higher purpose, but not everyone finds it, so she hopes "Make a Joyful Noise" will guide many down the right path. She uses wonderful examples such as the story of Moses to show how everyone's abilities are unique and no one else can fulfill the specific higher purpose meant for a certain individual.

While some readers might think auras, dream interpretation and the Law of Attraction are modern or new age ideas, Walker's research proves that all the spiritual laws and ideas she discusses have been part of spirituality since ancient times, and she provides plenty of scriptural passages to support her statements. But Walker also makes the point that God does not care what religion a person is--Malachi 2:10: "Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our fathers by breaking faith with one another?" God loves everyone, whatever their personal religious or spiritual beliefs.

Walker's style is approachable and her discussion easy to follow. She illustrates her arguments with inspirational quotes and passages from the Bible. The author herself states, "I wrote "Make a Joyful Noise" as a book of hope and inspiration to those who have lost faith that life, in its purest form, is filled with love, joy, peace, happiness, and prosperity." Readers will agree that Walker's book inspires and encourages people to live their lives remembering they are spiritual beings who are seeking the joy and knowledge found in human experiences.

Author's Bio: 

Chariss K. Walker, D. Div., has something more to offer than credentials. Although she has certainly earned her degrees, she also has over thirty years of self-help study and reading. Her true qualifications come from what matters most: life experiences, true insight, and helping others. Chariss currently lives in Navarre, FL with her family.

"Make a Joyful Noise: Searching for a Spiritual Path in a Material World" (ISBN 9780595481194, iUniverse 2008) can be purchased through local and online bookstores. For more information, visit Publicity contact: Review copies available upon request.