Ask most people the question “what are you good at?” and the probability is high that you’ll first get the eye-roll, followed up with the auditory response, “awm, hmm,” etc. You might even get that long pensive look, first, the classic frowning, second, then the statement: “Let’s see,” third. Be ...Ask most people the question “what are you good at?” and the probability is high that you’ll first get the eye-roll, followed up with the auditory response, “awm, hmm,” etc. You might even get that long pensive look, first, the classic frowning, second, then the statement: “Let’s see,” third. Be patient and you’ll get one of the two heavy-hitter responses to your question, coming in the form of “I don’t know” or them telling you what they – “aren’t" good at.” I have always found these reactions intriguing.

Why do most people dodge that question? Do they respond in that manner simply because they don’t know (aka haven’t uncovered – yet) what they are good at? Or do they think it is impolite to speak the truth. On the contrary, it is perfectly fine to own your power; it is alright to let others – including yourself – know where your talents reside, where your intensities are.

If you or someone you know can relate to the above then I have news for you…You are wrong to think that you haven’t a clue as to where your strength(s) and/or talent(s) are rooted. They have always been there, waiting to burst forth; you need to give it/them a chance.

You can start this process of Uncovering Your Power by first paying attention to them. It’s easy to do.

Here are the steps:

1= Find a comfortable place to sit and relax.
2=Write down all of your activities that you do over a two-week period.
3=Write down all activities you’ve done that were NOT a part of this two week period (activities you have done in the past)
4=Get two sheets of paper and label one as Pleasure and the other as Pain
5= Take all that you’ve written in step two and place them in their appropriate category (step 4).
** It’s fine if you’re unsure what category to place some of your activities. At the end of the process you’ll know where to place those.
6= Now that you’re done making both lists, PAY ATTENTION to the Pleasure list.

7= Now comes the fun part ;-): For each action you listed:
(A)= Re-experience them one at a time; see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel, what you felt, smell what you smelled – be in the moment. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR EMOTIONS.
(B)= Write down the reason(s) you love each action; what is inherent in each activity that gives you pleasure.

As I stated before, it’s important you get a hold of the emotions you are experiencing in each of the actions you investigated. Despite what so-called experts would have you believe, logic does not propel you. Emotions do. It can be one or a series of them. Emotions act as magnets, meaning they pull and push you in the direction you choose to move. How many times have you done something when you know “logically” you shouldn’t…”It just feels good, or right,” you say….

Doing an activity - while – you are in a pleasurable state opens up pathways and opportunities you never thought possible. It’s up to you to exploit them. For example, ever wonder how an artist passionate about what they are doing seems to just better themselves with each new creation? You can say, “Oh, that’s just talent, just luck.” That may be true. But talent gets you only so far. Could it also be that this person is taking advantage of the opportunities he/she has access to – just because he/she has owned his/her power, and is in a pleasurable state when working?

Finally, do some soul searching. Ask yourself whether if some of these actions are worth paying attention to; are they worth investigating so as to make your time and life have more meaning, more joy, and a higher purpose. Uncovering Your Power is about living the life you deserve to its utmost, refusing to apologize for what brings meaning to your life. At the end of it all wouldn’t you want to look back and feel satisfied that you were incredible; you gave it your all …and then some?

© Copyright - John G. Johnson 2007 - All rights reserved!

Author's Bio: 

John G. Johnson is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Trainer (Certified through the Society of NLP) and a Screenwriter. He regularly conducts trainings in NLP, creativity Enhancement and Goal-Setting in the USA and throughout the world. For future seminar dates and for more articles written by him, please visi: