With the holidays just around the corner, you will find that your thoughts should be directed towards family joy, togetherness and having a great time, not sniffly noses, sore throats and colds that just don't go away! Let's face it, between the change in weather and the stress that the holidays can bring around, this time of year is notorious for causing some real lapses in our immune systems. If you are looking around for a way to stay healthy through the holiday season and to really enjoy yourself, take some time and make sure that you consider some of the following tips.

1.Get plenty of sleep.
When there are lots of people around and when there is something fun to do every night, you will find that sleep starts dropping lower and lower in your priorities, and this can be very unhealthy for you. Simply by making sure that you get enough sleep, you can ensure that your body is refreshed and restored and that you can really enjoy the hours you are awake for.

When you are getting busy for Thanksgiving or Christmas, you will find that you are tempted to let the workout go out the window! No matter how busy it gets, try to stick to your routine. Your body will receive better maintenance that way, you will ward off those holiday pounds and you will also find that you stay more energetic over all. If nothing else, throw on some warm clothes and go for a walk; you'll be surprised how much a brisk walk can keep you up and going.

3.Water yourself
When you are looking around for a quick pick me up, remember that you should be getting a fair amount of water. Many people live in a state of perpetual minor dehydration and you will find that when you don't get enough water that you feel tired all the time and that you may be in a perpetual bad mood. Make sure that you get all the water that you need, even if you have to carry a water bottle around with you.

4.Watch the caffeine and alcohol consumption
When the holidays come around, you will find that in most situations, you will be invited to partake of many interesting alcoholic beverages. If you see an increase in alcohol consumption, you may want to rein it in; if your body gets more alcohol than it usually does, processing can be problem and you may end up quite sick. Similarly, be wary of products that have a lot of caffeine in them, because while they will give your body a great boost, they will also give you a large drop at the end.

5.Check out transfer factor aids
Transfer factor messenger molecules can be found within the bodies of mammals and birds. Cow colostrum, for example, contains many immune building blocks, but most of these can’t be transferred from a cow to a human. However, the power of transfer factors can. "Transfer Factor molecules are completely unique. They contain information that can be transferred from one immune system to another. That means that your body can borrow the immune education it needs to recognize, respond to, and remember unwanted threats."

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Author's Bio: 

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit transfer factor supplements for more information.