Your dreams belong to you. Your dreams are for your soulwork.
Guidance for the answers inside yourself, that is one thing, and we all sometimes need the hand to hold as we find our way in life. But searching for answers from outside one's self may lead you from your personal course and answers, your deep-seated changes.
Asking someone to interpret your dreams is like asking them to the point the way to your life destination. they don't know your path. Their answer is from their perspective so their objectives cloud your path, and you are blundering for months possibly, when you could have stepped into the light in moments.
Dreaming ---
Your soul yearns to dream. As an infant, sleeping all day long, you had the right idea. But then you had to wake up and get some work done. Oh well. That's life. Or is it?
We are here to eat and to sleep and to dream, then we are ready to go home to Creator.
In the meantime, it is truly an injustice that humans do not get as much sleep as their soul needs. We sleep barely enough to keep our body rejuvenated, let alone to fulfill our soul's longing for dreams that work in our lives.
And then we attempt to lug the dream into daily life where we are busy and burdened and do not quite understand what to do with it.
Best answer. Leave the dream in Sacred Dreamland. The dream interpretation from Sacred Dreamland will unlock doors in your personality, your life and your death.
Dream Interpretation ---
Why question the process of dream interpretation?
Dreams are yours. Dreams are where you are invited to develop your relationship with your soul.
Dreams are not Jung's to interpret, not Freud's, nor a dictionary of image theories from schools of philosophy.
Why? Because you are where you are in your moment in life. Your soul has desires in this moment of yours, and your dreams are your touch with that reality. Yours and yours alone.
Dreams are given from our guides, our sacred self. These awake time and asleep time imagination stories are for us to realize our needs, our fears, our wounds, our potentials, our rejected sides, our ambition, our warnings.
In an urgent situation, our dreams connect us to our loved ones and their needs and concerns in this life. Dreams also connect us to others who need us, wherever they may be.
How can you be changed if your dream is taken from you? ---
An example of waking life intrusion. Once a therapist informed me something had happened to me that I did not remember, nor to this day do I remember. The unsolicited information was an intrusion on what I understand of myself. This intrusion instantly became an inhibition to my past and future. A source for doubt and guilt I possibly would never have experienced. And a loss of my waking dreams because I was circling for quite some time. In fact, I needed my dreams to recover from this intrusion.
I understand that a sacred dream of nighttime is so much more than an waking intrusion of this kind. I think you do too, or you would not be pursuing that dream now.
Twenty-five years later, I have been ever so calculated in sharing what I 'seem' to recognize about others. Though my intuition sings boldly at times, I question myself. "Will my sharing hamper their spiritual or emotional growth, their life experiences, their forgiveness, their hopes? Is my conscience really asking me to share what I feel with them?"
How are dreams comparative to unsolicited information about our life? ---
We are here to eat, to sleep, and to dream. That is what I believe. We come to this life in order to merely exist then return. No great fanfare in the physical world is needed. You will notice that working, playing baseball, falling in love are not on top of the list. Dreaming and returning to the Maker of Life, these are the most beneficial.
Dreamland is the most sacred time of all. In my opinion, to interpret dreams when one is not asked or spiritually called to do so, is more intrusive than what I experienced.
More often than not, we need to give our own dream interpretations.
But how, when we seek answers outside ourselves so readily?
Dream Interpretation Sources ---
A dream dictionary is not the answer. There are dictionaries to research a particular setting or object in a dream. The dictionary has been profiled by dream interpreters, much of the analogy referred from philosophy. The dream interpretations from a dream dictionary may seem quite accurate, but only if one would consider a daily astrology reading from a newspaper for any given sign to be considered as accurate as it gets.
Most online dream interpretation is given through a software program that feeds off these dictionaries. This is even further removed from personal understanding when you do not receive the benefit of another person's insight.
Dream psychics and dream intuitives are gifted with a knowing from their intuition or from spirit guides they work with. The dreams they interpret are personal information, pertinent to the dreamer's life. Some give the service of dream interpretation, some sell the service. Most do dream interpretations for all who will ask. Again, in my opinion, these dreams are yours and seldom will you need assistance in understanding of why they are born to give benefit to you.
Personally, I am a dream guide for others. No, not one of the spirit guide / medicine animal ones. Just me. And I am a flower essence consultant, which I use for the sacred dreamwork of others. I will only give a dream interpretation when I feel an urgency, though not as in the effect of an impending emergency, like they are going to die if I don't tell them. I share if I have a sense of conscience that I must say something. Too often, when I was younger I gained insight that I was to speak when I didn't and not to speak when I did. So now I pretty much know when I feel I must.
Soulcentric Dreamwork - Dreams are part of the dreamer ---
In soulcentric dreamwork, the dreams may be considered from the subjective approach. The dream is part of the dreamer. Their psyche. The dream corresponds to the sub-personalities of the dreamer. This is the same when dreams are considered from the archetypal where the parts of the dream are also considered to represent parts of the dreaming person.
The difference is that the archetypal delves to integrate soul with the deeper life hidden in dreams, thereby pulling one away from the imagery of the waking life.
Dreams can actually change the dreamer if allowed to work in the sacred dreamland, instead of being pursued in the light of day. When one is dreaming, it is best to pursue the dream in its context, in sleeptime, spending much time there to allow the soul connection.
Often I have returned to bed or given myself another turn on the pillow to allow the dream to come, with my purpose to finish the dream. And if the dream is not to my liking, I have allowed the dream to change during that second or third shift of allowing.
The Tools for Dreamwork ---
Tools for dreams should not thrust you awake to bring your dreams into daylight.
How often have you read that you are to gather your journal and pen, your recorder? To begin speaking or writing as you awake?
Using these tools brings the dream from sacred dreamland and into the waking ego's perspective. The tools pull you into considering the dream from an objective that says the dream represents your waking life.
What you don't need for sleeping is more important.
The tools for your night world images are simplicity itself.
1. Darkness and quiet. A sleeping room with no television, stereo, or computer - not even a current so unplug them. If you need quiet, then use calm white noise like a fan on low.
2. Style a sleeping room without mirrors or cover them.
3. Make certain air circulates beneath your bed.
4. Arrange your bed so neither the head nor foot is at a window.
5. Yet, open the windows if possible. Bring yourself as close to nature as possible. Step out into the wind or rain, spend time in the sunshine by day and moonlight before bed or in the middle of the night when you cannot sleep. Immerse yourself before and during and after dreamland.
Problem? Live in the city... dogs barking outside... trains... humidity?
6. Flower essences are a quiet tool for dreams.
Flower essences for sleep and dreams are sometimes appreciated because a few of these flower energies are helpful for deep sleep or for dream recall. For me, they are a night in calm, deep peace. Angelica, for instance, is for receptivity of spiritual guidance to the soul. Black-eyed Susan, Chaparral, Evening Primrose, Forget-Me-Not, Lavender, Morning Glory, Mugwort, Saint John's Wort, and Star Tulip are some from Europe and North America that, at times, support calm mind in the night, memories of life before birth, insight into repressed sub-personalities, and personal dream interpretations.
7. Listen. When you have awakened, allow the dream to wash over you, create feelings within that stir and unsettle you. Take time to tell the dream out loud. It is a story from your soul Respect the dream.
Dream Interpretation On Your Own ---
The key is to listen. Really listen. Feel it.
Remember, the sensation of recall is more desirable than the remembering.
Delve into that sacred dreamland darkness and allow it to speak to your soul.
Soulcentric Dreamwork - credit to 'Soulcraft' by wilderness journey guide, Bill Plotkin. Publisher New World Library 2003
Essa Susann Adams -- Dream Intuitive Guide. Flower essence therapist. Have been an 'Emotional Freedom Technique' EFT guide, Bowen therapist, holistic guide. ESSA Books publisher, editor. Novel written, A Breath Floats By.... about a woman whose life purpose involves dreamwork. All my work pertains to the miracles and matrix of life, and supports the more and more widely embraced theory that we are created to respond to vibrational techniques and we can believe in miracles because they are so.
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