My dad used to have a parrot, Jacques, that would mimic anything said. We kept him in the florist for everyone to enjoy. One of our co workers, Joey was particularly fond of Jacques and volunteered to feed him each evening when everyone had left work for the day. Joey was a nice, kind person but we found Jacques each morning saying the same thing over and over again, "I have a problem! I have a problem! I have a problem!" Jacques was mimicking the very words that Joey was famous for saying. He started every sentence with, "I have a problem" when there wasn’t even a problem to be had. We noticed that he did begin to have problems… all the time. Between the parrot and him, we began to get tired of hearing, "I have a problem!" especially from the parrot.

My dad finally had reached his limit one day and pulled our co-worker aside. "Joey, are you aware that you always talk about your problems?" my dad said. "I have so many problems and they just keep coming." Joey explained/complained once again. "Have you ever thought about the solutions to your problems?" my dad wondered. Joey had never thought of the concept of solutions. He thought he had to live life with problems and no solutions.

"Focus on your solutions, Joey. There is a solution to everything. Instead of focusing on your problem, focus on your solution to your problems." Dad counseled. Joey took it to heart. He began to see his solutions instead of his problems and life became much easier. About a month later, Dad came into the florist early in the morning to get some work done. Dad said, "Good morning Jacques."

Jacques replied, "Good morning! Good morning! Solution! Solution!" That’s when Dad knew that Joe had understood.

So how many days do you wake up and state, "I have a problem! I have a problem!" If you are applying the Law of Attraction, by only focusing on the problem you will attract more problems just like Joey. But if you begin to focus on the solution and give the problem no mind, you will find that, just like Joey, you will have many solutions via the Universe come your way through the Law of Attraction. Focus on your solution and see, feel, and think the solution, and the Universe will bring it into physical existence right before your eyes.

Author's Bio: 

Beth and Lee McCain are instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction to your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. For more information about Beth and Lee products and services, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site