Wu-Yi Tea has now been around for a little over a year. It was one of the first all-natural green tea supplements to hit the market. At the time, the dieting world was saturated with dangerous diet pills and fat burners. A year later, this diet has become the most popular diet in the world, but why?

Wu-Yi is a version of a tea called oolong. This specific tea comes from the Wu-Yi mountains in China, which is where the tea got it's name. Wu-Yi Tea is known for five big things which it is responsible for doing.

1. It brightens skin and improves skin clarity. Certain vitamins and minerals in the tea are responsible for improving the tone and texture of your skin, nails, and hair.

2. It can fortify your immune system. Wu-Yi tea contains tons of vitamins that you do not receive from most foods in a normal diet. Without these vitamins, your body is much more susceptible to disease and sickness.

3. Wu-Yi is responsible for thousands of people losing weight. The polyphenols contained in the tea trigger enzymes that burn fat. No other all-natural supplement can claim something like this.

4. This form of green tea can also strengthen and whiten teeth. The minerals contained in Wu Yi are responsible for strong enamel.

5. Finally, Wu-Yi is a completely all natural supplement. It is safe and nothing life dangerous diet pills that can cause massive problems to your heart and other organs.

Wu Yi is going to become a staple in weight loss for years to come. It is not only extremely cheap, but also does amazing things for your body!