Information that can change your life from our free special report, The 10 Golden Rules for Buying a Business

If you spend any time on this blog, you'll soon catch the excitement about starting your own business. Entrepreneurship is so hot here, it's like a bonfire.

Today, I'd like to throw a new log onto that fire for you to consider. It's another kind of entrepreneurship: buying a business.

I've been buying and selling businesses all my life. I actually started my first when I was 12 and sold it when I was 13 - a true story. Since then, I have bought more than 10 businesses. I have started businesses too. Based on my experience, I know that buying a business offers a reliable, quick path to independence and wealth.

In future blog posts, I will give advice that you need to hear before buying a business. I'll cover negotiating your deal and offer other "hard advice." But today, let me give you a list of compelling reasons why buying a business, not starting one, can be your first step toward becoming a triumphant entrepreneur.

When you buy a business, you get these benefits:

  • On your first day you own your business, a customer will probably call. That is a statement that very few people can make when starting business of their own.
  • You get to review financial information about the business you will buy. That helps you decide whether to buy the business or not. But it serves other purposes too, such as showing you where you can improve operations or cut costs to generate greater profits.
  • You can negotiate on price. There are many reasons why people sell businesses for reduced prices. Perhaps they want to retire. Perhaps they have started other businesses and need quick cash. Perhaps they simply like you and want to see you take over the businesses they built. You will be struck by how many bargains are available.
  • Your dollar goes a lot farther. You save the costs of buying brand-new equipment, acquiring facilities, staffing up - and lots more. You get a lot more bang for your buck when buying a business.
  • Your new business can be a platform for additional enterprises. Perhaps the seller sees his company as little more than an accounting firm. But you see that you can expand it into financial planning, investment counseling, lending, business consulting - and more. You're not just buying a business. You are getting a platform for new activities and remarkable success.

So should you buy a business? In coming weeks I will throw more logs on the fire to help you decide. Until then, I urge you to deliberate about the points I make in this blog and toclick hereto get your free special report that explains why buying a business can be the smartest move you ever make. Buying a business changed my life and I know that it will change yours too.

Richard Parker is author of the free special report, The 10 Golden Rules for Buying a Business. An authority on business acquisition, Richard is developing a soon-to-be-launched new home study course, The Art of Buying a Business, for Trump University. For more information, click here.

    Trump University Professor Richard Parker developed Trump University's self-paced multimedia home-study course on Buying a Business. Professor Parker bought his first business when he was 12 and sold it for a profit when he was 13. He has now bought more than 10 businesses and is a national authority on the subject.
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