Attachment is one of the greatest self-created obstacles to your success. When you are attached you are driven by a poverty mindset that is trying to seek stability in an ever-changing universe. There is a solution that will free you from this bondage…

The answer is in the seven spiritual laws of success – the law of detachment from specific outcomes in your life. You must relinquish your attachment to the thing or result that you are trying to create in order to be able to create it with minimum effort. This does not mean that you should not intend or desire to achieve your goals just that you should not be attached to the goal.

The state of detachment may seem to be a contradiction to you so here are some more thoughts to help illustrate the mindset that you need to acquire.

The root of attachment is poverty mentality and the desire for security. You may have grown up in circumstances where lack was a problem and you may have acquired the belief that you need to ‘hang on to what you’ve got’. When you do this you are trying to go against one of the fundamental principles of the universe that is at the bottom of the seven spiritual laws of success. This principle is that the entire universe is constantly changing. Attachment to anything is impossible because everything is continually changing.

When you allow yourself to become attached, you are really allowing yourself to become attached to memories – events that happened in the past and which will not occur again. By locking your mind up in this way your self becomes narrow, focussed and unable to see the sea of opportunities that surround it. You stagnate and eventually end up trapped at a point that is out of touch with the ever changing universe.

Detachment means that your self is free and fluid. You are no longer focussed on one fixed idea that you must achieve at all costs. You are able to see and grasp the opportunities that surround you. You are free to choose the path that will move you around the obstacles you encounter and easily towards your goal.

Detachment comes from wealth mentality. To detach yourself is an act of faith, as Bob Proctor says in “The Science of Getting Rich” you have to “let go and let God”. When you have faith that the universe, your higher self or your God will provide you with the means to achieve your outcome you can detach yourself, wait patiently and watch expectantly for the means that will enable you to get there to appear.

The biggest internal obstacle to success for many people is their attachment to the outcome of their desires. This attachment may be subtle in form – the desire for money can be an attachment to the perceived security that money is expected to bring.

The root of attachment is often past conditioning which causes the ego to want to protect itself by seeking security. Mistaking the ego’s desire for security with the power of the true self to create new outcomes leads to attachment.

The secret of the seven spiritual laws of success is to still desire the outcomes you want and have the intention to create them but to detach yourself from the need to have them. In this way you will free your mind to find the easiest way to achieve your goals.

The seven spiritual laws of success are built upon natural principles. You can build these natural principles into your life as a bedrock for your path to future prosperity and happiness. Would you like to learn more about the the seven spiritual law of success?

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Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.