Do you choose the direction you want to go or is life leading you down a mysterious path of the unknown? Are you the manager of your dreams or do you fall victim to the circumstances of life? How do you choose to see your life?

We make hundreds of choices every minute ranging from what clothes we wear, what food we eat, to major decisions as big as which house we will purchase. Making decisions is such a natural part of daily activities we don’t give much thought to until we need to consider the consequences. ‘What will happen if I make the wrong choice? What do I stand to lose if it doesn’t go the way I want it to go?’

When making major decisions some individuals use the method of deciphering Pro’s vs. Con’s. In this process, we uncover the consequences of what we will gain or what we stand to lose; or if it will enable us to feel better or worse than right now. When we make second by second choices, or minor decisions in life, we also use this method, but it is usually at a subconscious level. Even when you make the choice to wear the blue instead of the green, it is this transaction of thought at play. Our mind is a complex computer that stores all the information that occurs during our lives. Our daily decisions are made based on what has already happened to us.

Our mind and body stores every event from birth right up to this present moment, even if you have consciously forgotten certain stages or even years of your life, they are always tucked safely away in your subconscious. From these memories is where the selection of our answers is derived. Our preferences come from what has already happened to us in the past and is the reason we each see things differently. When you are facing a decision and ask another for some advice or guidance, they will be coming from their past and what has occurred for them with their outcomes. They do not have the influence of your emotional attachment and can be objective from their point of view. Gathering of knowledge through the years is how we acquire our wisdom. Elders have much wisdom because of their years of experience beyond our own.

When you have had to withstand some hurt or suffered in any way from a decision previously made, you will not make that same mistake again or you will endeavour to do it a more productive way for a more positive outcome. Deriving a negative result from our choices will have an impact on our memory to ensure we choose an alternate option next time. So inevitably we make decisions based on avoidance of emotional, mental and physical pain. We are wired this way because it is human nature and this is how we have been taught.

However we are able to modify the way in which we make decisions. Instead of focussing on any negative discrimination that may have happened formerly, we can override it and determine our thoughts to a positive and more desired outcome. For example if you took a dive from the high board when you were twelve and fell flat on your stomach, now you may choose to give it a miss all together rather than relive the pain of the belly-flopper. Or if you still feel the anguish of being humiliated in the eighth grade for your soprano attempt, you may decide never to sing another note.

But what if you decided to try that dive because you see a different outcome? You choose to see yourself perform a magnificent swan dive that fills you with a sense of pride enabling you to have the courage to walk up the stairs. Just maybe you would be able to declare yourself the consummate artiste in the shower before getting up for karoke and blowing the crowd away with your flawless tune and pitch. You can change the fear of the past by committing your focus on victory. It is a choice to connect to success and decide to free yourself from the fear. By focussing on the conclusion you wish to happen, you are able to see it in a different light. Using your intention in this way shifts your perception of the past by simply choosing a distinct objective. You will create a different outcome by The Law of Attraction.

In the eyes of adversity you can choose to feel hopeful or you can choose to feel defeated. On a chilly winters day you can choose to see cold miserable rain or you can choose to feel grateful for the drought stricken areas. In the experience of sickness you can push yourself to work through it or you can choose to enjoy some much-needed quiet time to contemplate. On the steep stairway you can see an arduous spiral to the top or you will embrace the extra exercise you receive.

In asking your employer for a raise you can envisage the outcome of embarrassment when he says no and confirms your unworthiness or you choose to see the opulent lifestyle you lead after he says yes. With your dreams you may focus on how much you have yet to achieve or you can admire the overflow of your accomplishments thus far. In your garden bed you can put your attention amongst all the annoying weeds and the work it will take to remove them or you can embrace the opportunity to spend time connecting with our beautiful Mother Nature.

At night do you feel the fear of what may be around the corner or do you welcome the velvet-lined sky of stars and feel the nurture of the moon? In a broken mirror on the floor do you see the shattered mess you have to clean up or do you take the opportunity to view the beauty in yourself many times over revealing the various enlightened aspects of you?

In the depths of night when your sick child yells out for your endless attention, do you feel the full extent of the sleep deprivation and depletion of your energy stores or can you entertain the idea of the love and affection they need as an opportunity for you to get another cuddle in before they are too old to want one from you? In yourself do you see a fearful person with restricted capabilities and limitations, or do you observe the infinite potentiality of a vast being with boundless love? What do you choose to recognise?

Ultimately, whether you choose to do something or not is determined on how you see the outcome. Decide to hear it through the ears of positivity, see it through the eyes triumph, savour it by the taste of victory, smell it with the sense of success and feel it through the heart of love.

So now after offering you some new ideas toward viewing life and your environment, I would like to pose the question ‘Is there ever a wrong decision or choice that we can make or is the Divine the influence behind how we choice anyway?’ However we choice to experience each and every situation that presents itself to us has enormous capacity for us to grow and learn a little more.

Observing through a filter of fear is absolutely an acceptable way to look at it because the growth potential is perceivably higher. Our awareness of how we choose to progress through life is the key here. If we are seeing the negative side, as long as we are conscious of it, we have the opportunity to change. Having the awareness and the willingness allows us to see the beauty every single time. The Divine always has our evolution and expansion as its influence upon us. There is no fighting against or hiding from the Divine because it is within each and every one of us always.

Author's Bio: 

Deanne Urquhart is the heart of Inspiration and Empowerment. Her insightful teaching techniques have people embracing their emotional potential to discover what is truly in their heart. Those who are ready to take the leap and feel the freedom of an amazing life, find Deanne’s written and spoken words simply transformational. Deanne’s foremost objective lies in assisting people to reDiscover their greatness.

Deanne’s insights are simple to apply and leave people feeling truly empowered to create and attract the life they long for. By teaching the language of our soul, she assists us to understand the clear guidance and inspiration we are offered on a continual basis. Deanne believes the key to transforming our dreams into reality lies in having an absolute knowing of how to receive communications from our own soul. This infallible wisdom enables heart choices to be taken and applies the finishing touches needed to open our worlds to new and unlimited possibilities.

Once we understand and master the language of our soul, we know with definite clarity the best possible path toward happiness, abundance and success for right now and the future. Deanne’s wisdom is a gift for those ready to take charge of their inner power and to become the master of their own destiny.

Having spent previous years as a healer, Deanne’s motivation now lies in empowering people to develop and strengthen their own power, wisdom and potential. Confidence, discovering our magnificence, and a renewed passion for life are what people walk away with after having been touched by the heart and love of Deanne Urquhart.