Kidney stones, renal stone disease, whatever you want to call them are painfully irritating stones that have the potential to cause an awful lot of damage and a serious amount of discomfort!

Even the smallest of stones in the wrong place can cause a massive problem so prevention is much better than a cure, especially if there is a family history of the condition.

You are more likely to have a kidney stone in your lifetime if there is already a history of them within the family background. This is why prevention is a better option, you are at a higher risk therefore the more preventative measures you take, the less chance you have of getting them.

There are dietary changes that you can make to ensure that your chances of getting the stones are minimized and following these simply guidelines and changes can make all the difference.

First of all, the perfect diet to prevent kidney stones contains water… lots of water! If you are not already drinking the recommended amount of water per day – 6 to 8 glasses, it is time to start drinking this and if you are already managing this, it is time to look at consuming more.

If you have had kidney stones in the past, three liters is the best amount to drink on a daily basis and although this can be difficult to get used to at first, after a while it will become easier and the chances of you getting the stones is lessened.

If you are prone to calcium kidney stones, reduce the amount of dairy produce you intake. If you normally get Uric acid stones, reduce the amount of meat that you consume and if you normally have oxalate stones, cut down on the foods that contain them such as strawberries, chocolate and nuts. The stone that you have will make the difference to the dietary changes you make.

This is why most doctors will want to perform an analysis of the stone once it has passed through the body and you should make sure that you pay attention to what he or she reports back with the findings.

The kidney stones are normally formed because there is too much of a certain compound within the body so by not cutting back on these things, you are more likely to experience the stones again in the future. Think of it as a warning sign from your body.

One thing that you should remember about finding the perfect diet to prevent kidney stones is that you should never cut a food group or type of food from your diet completely.

The body needs a healthy and balanced diet to function in the correct manner so by completely cutting out meat or dairy produce for calcium or Uric acid kidney stones, you could be depriving your body of vital minerals and compounds that it needs to survive.

It is always a good idea to speak with a medical professional before making massive changes to your diet and you should always make sure that you know what kind of kidney stone you have before you attempt this.

Author's Bio: 

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading health researcher in the area of natural remedies and kidney stone treatment. Discover how you can pass kidney stone safely using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit his site now at