Don't touch that Dial! And I don't mean the dial on your TV but the dial on your Microwave. I have not used a microwave oven in quite some time. When I did use one I had always had this awkward gut feeling like something was strange about a bright light and a weird wind like sound that would ...Don't touch that Dial! And I don't mean the dial on your TV but the dial on your Microwave. I have not used a microwave oven in quite some time. When I did use one I had always had this awkward gut feeling like something was strange about a bright light and a weird wind like sound that would heat up the food I placed in the microwave. I never liked what I did not understand. I still do not know the technical details behind how a microwave oven works or how it heats food but what I do know is to me it feels unnatural.
I have read many claims about the unhealthy nature behind microwave ovens. Women that have been killed when they their blood was microwaved at a hospital or that babies milk should not be heated in a microwave, If it's unhealthy for babies why wouldn't it be unhealthy for adults. Why would certain countries outside the US ban the use of microwave ovens? I truly believe that eating food out of a microwave changes the chemical structure of the food into a structure that the body has to figure out when the food is swallowed. When the body is unable to figure out what to do with the food it may look at it like a toxin and push it off into a fat cell or rush it through your digestive system as fast as it can to get it out of there since it is unable to absorb the nutrients which it no longer understands.
In 1976 Russia banned the use of microwaves after finding out that there were negative health results in their research. Most of the negativity resulted in the findings surrounding the greater possibility of cancer. Higher percentages of cancerous cells were found in the blood stream after eating microwaved foods.
I read about an experiment you can do at home related to raising awareness of the strange affects that microwaving could have on our health. Plant some sprouting seeds in two separate pots and water one with spring water and the other with microwaved tap water. The plant being fed with microwaved water will not grow. That is an amazing insight as to what microwaving could be doing to our own bodies.
The heating process itself does have damaging consequences to our food. Approximately half the protein is destroyed in the heating process, enzymes are just about completely destroyed and other valuable nutrients are lost in the process. Add microwaving as your heating source and you now have distorted molecules of what is not destroyed for your digestive system to figure out. I always felt like I was being exposed to radiation whenever I was close to a microwave oven. I would see these microwave testers at the store and say to myself. Why would we need this if microwaving is not dangerous? Use your own intuition and be resourceful as to what the harmful affects of microwaving may be. The way I see it is there are probably much better ways to cook your food if cooking is what makes you happy.
Call to action
You can take this to any level you want.
Level A - Xtreme Health™
Don't cook your foods. Eat raw living foods such as fruits, vegetables, sprouts, grasses, nuts, seeds, seaweeds, Bee products, algae's, powdered grains, mushrooms, teas, etc Level B - Much better than most people
Steam what you want to cook very quickly. Do not microwave, Do not cook at high temperatures
Level C - A step above what you're doing now
Give your microwave to your worst enemy (but tell them its harmful effects) , Have more than 50% of what you eat be live foods so that your body can stay in balance and cancel out the negative affects of cooked foods
Have the most Awesome day Ever.
Will Byron has had a passion for health and wellness for over 30 years. Since age 10 his accompllishments include 4 years in the US Marines, a MSFT Programmer and a CPA. He has competed in hundreds of races from the collegiate through master's level including marathons, triathlons, cross country, and track and field. A degree in Computer Information systems and a Masters in Business led him to many entrepreneurial activities through the years including multiple franchise owner, real estate, and options trading. He is currently a Certified Sports Nutrition Coach and trains for Ironman Triathlon's as a semi-vegetarian utilizing primarily organic superfoods. His current ventures include building/publishing health and wellness websites, writing articles and writing his 2nd book "Organic Awakening". His mission is to help people live longer through his websites, articles, and books and to help shed One Billion pounds from the waistline of America.
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