Some may wonder how I might be "mixing" spirituality, politics and psychic readings and psychics in a single article. The fact is that the word "psyche" actually means "soul" more than it means what many people think- mind. In fact a psychic should be one who is conversant with the functions of the soul/spirit and how its presence or existence in the human physical vehicle impacts its environment and its own course of destiny in the spectrum of time, matter, space and distance.

Regarding politics, politicians are souls in human bodies working in the field of politics- the management, manipulation and administration of national and international issues for the benefit of the nation and its nationals. Equipped with this understanding, we see the relationship between spirituality, psychism and politics. Mysticism being the father of all subjects in life, a mystic can transform anyone who surrenders for spiritual guidance. With such insight the citizens of the world could be helped to avoid many pitfalls otherwise avoidable had they fore knowledge about their leaders.

The United States of America this year is involved in presidential campaigns that will end in the election of a national leader- the president of the United States, towards the end of this year. From a spiritual perspective, leaders are very important people because they greatly impact the lives of many people in many different ways; positive and negative.

This being so, the irony of it all is that the majority of the people impacted by their leaders remain ignorant of how much their leaders affect them consciously and unconsciously even to the point of death when a commander in chief (who usually is a political leader) declares a war. And no one can take the leader to court for the many deaths of citizens both soldiers and civilians during the course of war.

Like all other leaders, politicians are people who carry a specific type or kind of vibration in terms of energy vibration/power. This vibration or energy is invisible to the people who vote them into public offices. Only one who has a clear vision, a very good clairvoyant psychic can actually interpret in words what he feels or sees in the auric field of any public figure or aspiring political leader. This is why the people should always seek the impeccable sacrosanct guidance of the mystics who may be living in their midst if they are so lucky to have them (contemporary Divine Guardians or physically living Perfected Saints) who may accept to offer such guidance as to who might be the best leader for peace, stability, positive progress and overal economic, cultural and social-political development for the benefit of all. Saints can do this but they avoid doing so because often, in the past, political and religious leaders misunderstood them out of unfounded fear of their invincible and inscrutable divine wisdom and prefer to persecute and execute them if they could. That was why Lord Jesus was crucified. Lord Buddha was greately persecuted. Ainal Qudat was executed. All Hallaj was dismembered and murdered. So they always do not like them except if the leaders are so lucky as to respect the invaluable divine presence and sacrosanct guidance they can obtain from them. In fact leaders who do, never make mistakes and they leadership has always been successful and beneficial to the citizens.

In this article I will write about two political aspirants who now vie for public office as President of the United States: Hilary Clinton and Barrack Obama, from the perspective not only of a psychic but also of a spiritually conscious expertise.

Hilary was born October 29, 1947. A quick look at her numerological, psychic and spiritual aura indicates that Hilary, came into life as master soul, that is ready to consciously or unconsciously readu to sacrifice her life for her ideals and for others. She carries an immense energy of compassion and has a special duty in her life. The possibilities are that even martydorm is indicated if necessary to surrender her life for her ideals. Unfortunately there is the indication that like many others, she may have been caught in the etheric web as an etheric prisoner that she might have gotten diverted from her high spiritual ideals as regards the true purpose of her present human birth.

Obama's auric field (born August 04, 1961) which also numerologically is a master number power just like Clintons, reveals that he came into life with wisdom and light which endows him with the vision and foresight necessary to look beyond the ordinary world and to see the uses for his many talents that can then be put to use for the benefit of many people and how many people are wiling to help him succeed.

Regarding Obama's personal vibration, one of the world's greatest psychic, clairvoyant, foreteller and mystic had this to say before Obama announced his presidential candidacy:

If America will taken on Senator Obama as her next president, America will greatly benefit becaue Obama has the special spiritual power known as virinimantiya. With this power, Obama will change and transform not only the United States of America but the entire world. His presidency will change many millions and billions of people across the globe. With that energy, even the riddle of terrorism and terrorists around the world will diminish without the use of guns and bombs. For, he carries within him that power that leaves behind no grudges amongst people and nations. This means he will create peace worldwide. He embodies the power that annihilates grudges and feuds between people and nations. That he will change or transform world politics.

It is interesting to note that from a spiritual point of view, Hilary and Obama are actually sister and brother: they share come vital energy similarities between them; Both are Master numbers. Hilary 33 and Obama 11. God bless them both.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Bhuka Bijumiro-Jjumiro an expert mysticism and mystic philosophy also is a numerologit with special insight into the life personalities of people. By the application of these sceinces and philosophies, he has helped many people discover their inherent energies, strengths and weaknesses and apply the divine wisdom to enhance their personalities. Contact Bijumiro at