The book and film "The Secret" reveled to the mainstream how the laws of attraction work. Many have started to apply the knowledge to their lives, while many remain skeptical about the process. One source of confusion is the fact that our desires do not manifest immediately. There is a delay while the universe fills the received order. We can use this delay to our advantage by sending out more and more detailed visions of what we desire. As you ask for the thing that you want you can add the clause "this or something even better is what I wish to receive". This allows for something that will prove to be greater than what you imagine to manifest.

The laws of attraction are operating on many levels. You may feel that you are doing everything right and yet you do not see the results you desire. There are many parts to our belief systems. Deep seated beliefs of poverty are some of the hardest to overcome because so many people are holding on to these negative beliefs. Suppose you have been working on manifesting more abundance in the form of money in your life, but you come from a past where all you saw around you was poverty and hardship. As a person in this situation working on bringing abundance into their life, the negative subconscious beliefs are still at work and they sabotage any advancement toward the goal of creating abundance. This the area where the real work must be done. The use of affirmations to reprogram the subconscious can be very helpful. So can the use of a vision board.

Many people also do not understand that there are other universal laws that come into play. Understanding the law of compensation and it's application goes a long way toward helping create abundance. This is the law that states what you give out you will receive back tenfold. In order to receive the giving must be done freely from the heart. We all know people who are generous, but never get rewarded in return. One cause of this could be that they are giving for the wrong reasons. This type of action stems from the fact that they do not know how to fully love themselves so they feel the need to try and "buy" the love they want through giving lavish gifts, or repeatedly paying for meals for friends. We all must be sure that we receive the abundance that we've worked so hard to create. This can be done by learning to love yourself as well as others.

Author's Bio: 

Capri Jones has created the Personal Development for Success website to inspire an teach others about harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction in their lives. Visit for more information and a free e-course.