When we are asked to define what "attractive" means, the
majority of us respond with a long list of desirable
physical attributes that are usually paralleled to movie
star looks and body types.

The same is true when we are asked the question " What
would you like to change about yourself to make you more
attractive?" We instinctively refer to this same list.

Is this wrong? No, not necessarily. Physical appearance
has proven to weigh heavily in first impressions.

Although being physically attractive can create more
opportunities for you, if you are not able to live up to
the impressions others have coming in, then it really
doesn't help you going forward.

Besides, many highly successful people clearly do not
have physical attractiveness working for them. At least
not as a first impression.

Where they excel is in their ability to maximize their
opportunities to win others over. They may not get as
many opportunities, basedon their physical appearance,
but they make the most of what they have.

We have all met someone who at first glance was not
overtly attractive but as we got to know them better,
with each new meeting or encounter, their level of
attractiveness steadily increased.

Most of us can't even define what it is that they have
that is responsible for their growing level of
attractiveness. We call it personality, charisma,
charm, magnetism, allure and mystique.

But how are these personas conveyed to others? What is
it that they do to have this effect on others?

Contrary to popular belief, people are not born with it.
It is an acquired skill that anyone can have.

Are you having this effect on others you meet? Are you
able to quickly gain trust, respect and admiration?

The key component that defines your level of success is
how you project yourself both physically and verbally.
Although this may be simplistic, its amazing how few of
us take full advantage of this powerful skill.

Scientific studies have proven that our body language and
voice tone contribute over 93% of the impressions we

In short, there is a right way to project yourself and
get the desired results. It doesn't require altering your
physical appearance through surgery, implants or fad diets.

We take you as you are and make it work for you like you
never could have dreamed possible before.

All that you need is the willingness to make changes and
the knowledge to put it to use.

Make the most of what you have starting today!

Author's Bio: 

Rich Douglas is a self improvement newsletter columnist
and the creator of *The Body Language Mastering Series"
He offers a free mini-course on how you can apply simple
body language tips and techniques that will have a significant
impact on every area of your life.

Click Here Now ==> http://www.bodylanguagesecret.com
Click Here Now ==> http://www.epositivesolutions.com/body-language-products.html


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