The Five steps towards achievement: Wish, intention, initiative, volition, perseverance. These steps are the determining factor if you move forward or backward in whatever you do in life. The only way to reach our goals is to push us to that limit.

A Wish, a defined by the dictionary, is "A desire, longing, or strong inclination for a specific thing." It is a beginning, a desire. We all wish for many things: money, love, peace, God, happiness. However, as we all know, wishing is not enough. A wish is not energy in motion.

In order for dreams to come true and to achieve success, energy must be in motion. Simple dreaming is nice, but without action behind it, it is only a theatre of the mind, and escape from the reality you are in.

Once you've developed a wish, the next step in intention.

Intention (visualizing) is the aim that guides action. It is the decision for a wish or desire to come to fruition. It during this time when one starts to think, pray, and meditate on a result. In Wayne Dyer's book, "The Power of Intention" he talks about being to feel and see the results long before it comes true. You have a gut instinct, tasting the sweetness of successful before it appears.

Initiative, according to the dictionary, is "The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination." In other words, initiative is the first step to action. While "wish" and "intention" relates to the mind, initiative is step one on energy in motion. Such action may involve writing a business plan, asking questions, studying people who are already achieving the desired results.

Volition is a series acts continued until the goals are reached. When doubts and fear make you second-guess your goals, it is volition that urges you to continue. Without volition, dreams remain dreams, only that you may end up saying, "Oh well, I tried." Volition is also known as "will" which fuels initiative. This is "energy in motion."

Remember, God willed creation into existence. He never gave up until he was able to achieve exactly what he envisioned.

Ants, for instance, never stop moving. They move in a straight path, their eyes focused ahead. If you put an obstacle in their path or do something destructive, they keep moving! Nothing stops them! To have either spiritual or material success, we must be like the ants, stopping at nothing.

Energy must be in motion to achieve our dreams. Nothing is handed to you. Even if you are born to a wealthy family, you still must work in this world. The purpose of accomplishment is to bring the divinity within us all. When energy is in motion, vibrations are created. These vibrations create the very things we strive for.

Perseverance is the continuation of vibration. No matter what odds are against you, no matter what the conditions are, no matter what conversations you have in mind, the vibrations must continue to not only achieve your goals, but to be the master of them. We allow conversation enter our brains that may impede us or disturb the vibrations. Other things that may disturb vibrations are people's criticisms, put-downs, being caught up with everyday things, or getting discourage. YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF!

Motivation is a necessity, but it will not get you're the results. What will get you the results in a combination of all the actions mentioned above.

We strengthen our will by action. Our will acts as a gatekeeper to decide what thoughts come in. The evaluation of our thoughts is combination of right thinking with right actions.

Continuation is perseverance, the whole magic of success!

Author's Bio: 

Jim Hague is the owner and writer for Truth Seeking Souls.comcom.