The art of hypnotizing somebody can be learned in as little as two days, in one of those weekend intensive courses one sees advertised. But a hypnotherapist who really makes changes in people’s lives, is not just somebody who hypnotizes people for a living. A hypnotherapist who is a great hypnotherapist is a true healer.

Even after spending a year at school, you cannot learn all you need to know about human nature. The human mind is so complex that it will be a lifelong learning process. But many personal qualities – both innate and studied – are necessary to becoming a great hypnotherapist.

First and foremost is the art of listening: use both ears and both eyes to truly give your full attention to the person in front of you. This kind of focused listening doesn’t happen very often in “real life”, when we are often more interested in what we are intending to reply or the story we’d like to tell. Just for one hour, keep your own mouth still almost all of the time.

Second, one must always remember that the client’s needs come first:

Third, leave your own ego and problems at the door: if you are tempted to tell the client about a time you did such and such that seems relevant to their story – don’t. It may be relevant, but unless it is directly linked to giving them a solution to their issue, it is probably more your ego that wishes to parade in front of the client than anything else.

Fourth, unconditional positive regard for your client is a prerequisite for giving good service: no matter who they are or what they’ve done, if you can’t see them as a human being worthy of your positive esteem, don’t agree to see the client. Judgment should always be suspended in the therapy session, and beyond.

Fifth, every client is unique and should therefore be given individually prepared treatment: there is no such thing as a formula that works for everybody or a certain number of sessions that can be guaranteed to “fix” or “cure” a certain issue. Every person you see will have a unique set of circumstances, personality traits and experiences, and your treatment of them has to reflect that, in order to be effective.

Sixth, and most importantly, do no harm: this is the tenet that all healing professionals live by, and it should be the one we prioritize above all others. To do no harm is paramount as a rule in therapy.

When people entrust their subconscious mind to you as a hypnotherapist, they are giving you an awesome responsibility – a responsibility both profound and moving. When you can truly help another human being to realize their full potential, it is the most wonderful joy in the world. And the self-esteem it brings you is enormous. So I would suggest that anybody who enters the profession of hypnotherapist should be striving to be not just a person who hypnotizes people for a living, but a great hypnotherapist and healer.

Author's Bio: 



Certified as a Hypnotherapist by the Hypnotherapists Union Local 472
In good standing since December 2006


Graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, Tarzana California, July 2007. Graduated with Honors, and the Director’s Special Award for Exceptional Professional Achievement in Clinical Residency.

Completed a one year course of instruction in hypnosis from the nation’s only accredited college of hypnotherapy including an internship of practical experience under the supervision of staff instructors holding teaching credentials from the State Department of Education.

Has conducted a private practice since January 2007 assisting clients in achieving their personal goals in such areas as habit modification, stress reduction, overcoming fears and performance anxiety, increasing self-confidence and self-esteem, improving relationships, etc.

Continuing Education:

Certified Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, American Hypnosis Institute.
Certified Past Life Regression Therapist.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Recognition & Treatment, UCLA
Certified Addiction Specialist - IACT

Areas of Expertise

Smoking Cessation; Weight Management; Chronic Pain; Stress & Anxiety; Addiction; PTSD
Mental Bank
Emotional and Physical Sexuality
Body Syndromes
Handwriting Analysis
Dream Analysis (including lucid dreams, dream incubation etc.)