Many of you know my feelings about television...

*I believe TV is a complete waste of time*

Statistics show that 98% of people will watch 3-5 hours of TV a day either early in the morning, sometimes during the day while on break at their job or when they come home in the evenings.

Some people even have to fall asleep while watching TV, which is *Deadly* to your spirit especially if it’s the news or something like that.

There is one show that I do watch called...

*The Deadliest Catch*

I do recommend this show for one reason and one reason only...

To see the price people are willing to pay, because there is a financial reward at the end of the incredible deadly journey.

Deadliest Catch is about crab fishermen in the Bering Sea of Alaska.

They battle...

- Tremendous Ocean Waves

- Below Freezing Temperatures

- 18-24 Hour Work Shifts - Sleep Deprivation

- Life or Death Work Conditions

The physical price that these men will pay is incredible, because they know there is potential to earn significant monetary rewards at the end of the crab fishing season.

We are in a challenging success race on a daily basis. I say race because you start working towards your success goal, initiate it everyday and focus on the “finish line”.

But the sad statistic is that 97% of people die on the way to the achievement of the dream.

The challenge is your mental stress that drags you down in which most of you won't pay this physical and emotional price.

In the Deadliest Catch, they do pay the physical and mental price for just one reward at the end of a long hard season.

The reason that it is called Deadliest Catch is because every season men die.
(Yes - lives are lost)

That's right, every year men lose their lives in the crab fishing season either due to the cold weather, ice storms or slipping and falling overboard.

Yet in the success game, many people will not pay the price because of fear and indecision. (age 65 - 97% dead broke)

Guess what?

You will not physically die from these things!

May I ask you a question?

Why are men willing to pay the price physically over the short period of time during crab fishing season, but many people in the success arena are not willing to pay the price because of mental challenges?

I challenge you to watch the Deadliest Catch and see for yourself the life threatening price that these men pay every single year.

Then ask yourself...

Am I willing to pay the price mentally/physically
and visualize my future into existence today?

I believe you will.

Go for it!

Commit to it!

Live your dream!

Realize you are never going to die because of the
mental challenges you may face, but I know I
wouldn’t make it through 24 hours on the crab fishing boat.
(I do not believe I would make it 2 hours) :)

I would probably die within the first 24 hours yet for the last 16 years I have been stretching and growing in success process.

Go for it!

Live your dream!


You will live not physically die on your success journey but your *Why will die* if you Quit!

Motivating Champions Worldwide !

John Di Lemme

Author's Bio: 

John Di Lemme is a Strategic Business Coach, an International Motivational Speaker and Author of the Best Seller
*Champions Are Born Losers Are Made*

As a young child, John Di Lemme was clinically diagnosed as a stutterer and told that he would never speak fluently.
Today, John has achieved great success as an international motivational speaker, accomplished author (2 International Best Selling Books) and multi-million dollar entrepreneur. John shocks millions globally by exposing the truth about how to achieve monumental life success despite the labels that society has placed on you.

Through his award winning live seminars, numerous TV interviews, power-packed training boot camps, live tele-classes, website,
Champions Are Born Losers are Made , and motivational Lifestyle Freedom Club, John Di Lemme has made success a reality for thousands worldwide.

As an Author, speaker, entrepreneur this Million Dollar producer now teaches others the inside secrets on how to truly build a multi million dollar business.
A *Millionaire* Personal Success Habit
Monday Night *Live* Motivational Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST.
Dial: (218) 486-7200 access code 334299
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Motivating Champions Worldwide!

A Motivational Success Tour de Lifestyle Freedom Force That Will Have You Rethinking, Reshaping and Recharging at Rewriting Your Personal Success Story...right on through to the HAPPIEST ENDING YOU CAN IMAGINE and Live...
*The Ultimate Lifestyle and Be Free*
"You are about to learn the *TRUTH* about WHAT MILLIONAIRES DO to Destroy Detours, Obliterate Obstacles and Land Devastating Knockout Punches to Every Single Roadblock So You CAN... FINALLY...
Achieve The True Lifestyle Freedom that You have as a Birthright of being a Champion!
John's Lifestyle Freedom Club will equip you with all the tools you need to live your God-given Dream Life.

As an Author, speaker, entrepreneur this Million Dollar producer now teaches others the inside secrets on how to truly build a multi million dollar business.
A *Millionaire* Personal Success Habit
Monday Night *Live* Motivational Tele Class 8:30 p.m. EST.
Dial: (218) 486-7200 access code 334299
*Spread the News about the *Live* Class*
Motivating Champions Worldwide!

A Motivational Success Tour de Lifestyle Freedom Force That Will Have You Rethinking, Reshaping and Recharging at Rewriting Your Personal Success Story...right on through to the HAPPIEST ENDING YOU CAN IMAGINE and Live...
*The Ultimate Lifestyle and Be Free*
"You are about to learn the *TRUTH* about WHAT MILLIONAIRES DO to Destroy Detours, Obliterate Obstacles and Land Devastating Knockout Punches to Every Single Roadblock So You CAN... FINALLY...
Achieve The True Lifestyle Freedom that You have as a Birthright of being a Champion!
John's Lifestyle Freedom Club will equip you with all the tools you need to live your God-given Dream Life.