Are we not being called to evolve?
Is there not a cry that is from within and without that is calling us to change our ways and the direction we as humanity are headed?

You who is reading this has no doubt begun to respond in becoming apart of the necessary awakening and evolution for humans to live more peacefully and respectfully with each other, the Earth and all living beings.

Each of us in our own way is active in trying to surmount the collective efforts and actions of the environmental, social rights and peace movements to help bring about change.

But where lies a real revolution capable of actually stopping the injustices, wars and destructions where our children will be able to grow up in a world of peace, health and wealth for all?

It is at once both so obvious yet continually overlooked.
It remains staring up at us from our very plates.
For it is to do with the food we daily eat.

Food and eating are quite literally and figuratively at the core of who we are as individuals and as a culture.

We are what we eat and we can only evolve our personal and collective consciousness as far as the level of consciousness that our food and eating habits imbibe.

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”

Our food, right down to how it was grown, prepared and consumed, is to actually become the very building blocks of who we are, both physically and energetically.

Our food choices not only shape and define our bodies but the physical, psychological, social and spiritual landscapes of our world.

It is clear to see how the animal agribusiness is a major driving force behind the destruction of our ecology when we look, for example, at the large portions of Amazon Rain Forest and the Great Plains of North America that have and continue to be destroyed for the raising of cattle.

But what about the more subtle consequences?

Can we expect to live a life of peace, love, light, equality and social justice when our daily meals are the stolen flesh and bodily fluids of other sentient beings, full of fear, anger and suffering?

From the perspective of Will Tuttle Ph.D, in his book The World Peace Diet, the violence and injustice we instigate for our plates can be seen to boomerang in remarkable ways.

Dr. Tuttle illustrates that our societies worst problems of terrorism, pollution, overcrowding, obesity, the breaking down and separation of families, rape, disease and more, are a karmic result of what humanity directly inflicts upon the animals we consume.

It is interesting to correlate that our cities, filled with pollution, overcrowding, disease, violence and noise, do somehow reflect the conditions of the factory farms of our food.
And that our over fattening of animals to be sold for more $ by the pound could be reciprocating as our own current epidemic of obesity.

It is certainly an ironic and potent reality to observe that the nations with the highest rates of osteoporosis are also the countries consuming the most milk.
Milk that comes from a system where the life of the dairy cow is one of an enslaved angst-filled mother repeatedly and forcibly impregnated, separated from her young and continually milked till she cannot stand from the brittleness of her calcium-leeched bones.

Undeniably, we humans do continue to force animals to live in places where the fear, pain and terror is both chronic and acute, on levels far greater 9/11 or Warsaw 1941.

And though it is very hard for all of us who have culturally inherited this way of being to honestly accept responsibility, we need realize our active role in the perpetuation of such conditions.

Some will argue that progress has been made in ‘better’ choices for meat, milk and eggs that have been humanely raised and killed and ‘free range’ options.

But we perhaps need to go further looking to the roots and resulting mentality that has stemmed from human ‘kind’s most definitive turns in evolution, the advent of herding.

Because though we will paint the picture of a good Shepard, the actual culture and practice of herding is the symbolic and real patriarchal domination of the sacred and feminine principles of all life.

With herding came the enslavement of both animals and humans as objects and property.

It has become the foundation of our ‘capitalistic’ society and all its injustices we are seeking to change.

The word ‘capital’ comes from the word ‘capita’ or ‘head’, where wealth was measured in heads of animals and the elite class was created.
The very original root word for ‘war’ literally translates as ‘the desire for more cattle’ from when those who had the most wealth or ‘capital’ began stealing and fighting for livestock and the land to raise them.

Today of course, our wars are fought more visibly over oil and its territory, but the eating of animals still bears untold suffering for all beings as it is an unrecognized foundation of consumerism.

The gluttony of our industrialized nations has continually resulted in the unbalanced distribution of food and natural resources.

Thich Nhat Hanh paints the stark reality that “Every day forty thousand children die in the world for lack of food. We who over eat in the west who are feeding grains to animals, are eating the flesh of these children.”

The sacred act of Eating has been for so long stained with blood, that as a result we have forcibly, as protection for our own conscience, shut ourselves off from what is THE most intimate connection we have with the World.

So, in what ways can we then answer this ‘call to evolve’?

“Until he extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace” Albert Schweitzer.

In ‘being the change’ and ‘voting with our dollar’ there is no more power and application than with the choices of our food.

In the light of ‘you are what you eat’ and ‘ how you anything is how you do everything’ our desire to have more love and peace in the world can be realised through a conscious eating of only food that is grown and prepared with love.

We can clearly begin to discontinue our participation in the ‘Culture of Death’ by choosing to consume only organic, non-GMO, fair trade and plant-based LIVING foods.

Only then will there be a real and actual revolution to create the Culture of Life for all.

Author's Bio: 

malcolm is a raw food chef, instructor, author and lecturer.
alongside his wife and daughter they are known as the superfood family.
seeking to raise the consciousness for the betterment of all through the realms of food and nutrition.