If you have any desire to be in business for yourself, then now’s the time to make your move! In fact, there has never been a better time to take that step. So this year, buy yourself the greatest gift of all - a business of your own!

Over the past year, I’ve met and spoken with thousands of people worldwide who have reached the point where they’ve said, “enough is enough!” Most hate their jobs. They are terribly uncertain about the future. They’re tired of busting their butts with little or no thanks and they’ve finally realized that controlling their own destiny is what they truly want from their career.

In prior times, when mass layoffs took place, displaced workers simply adopted the strategy of looking for another job. Unfortunately, jobs are not plentiful today. If you’ve spent any time looking for one, you know how frustrating, humiliating and time-consuming the process can be, often with no results.

If you are one of the lucky ones to still be employed, instead of waiting around for your company to let you go because they had one bad quarter and now want to save costs at your expense, take control of your future and fire your boss! This is going to be YOUR year, because the market for entrepreneurs is exploding, regardless of what the so-called “experts” may say about the economy.

Take Control of Your Future

Many people wrongly believe that acquiring a business is a risky investment. Personally, I think that putting your fate in someone else’s hands has a heck of a lot more risk to it. While there is some inherent risk buying a business, much, if not all, can be eliminated simply by doing your research beforehand on any business you consider purchasing.

I can assure you from my own personal experience that if you have the desire to be your own boss, it’s something that is within your reach. Moreover, with a few well-planned moves, you’ll accomplish your goal within six months or so.

And the best way I know of is to get involved in The Art of Buying a Business, the unique and powerful program I developed for Trump University.

When buying a business, you can and should expect to make a return of at least 25 to 33 percent on your cash investment within the first year. Plus, you will have the opportunity to produce a steady personal cash flow, and you’ll be building value that will pay you handsomely when the day arrives to sell the business.

So don’t remain stuck in the middle of a pack of other people who don’t know how to take control of their financial destiny. That’s a one-way ticket nowhere. You can set everything in place right now and, with a few simple steps, you’ll be on the road to success.

    Trump University Professor Richard Parker developed Trump University's self-paced multimedia home-study course on Buying a Business. Professor Parker bought his first business when he was 12 and sold it for a profit when he was 13. He has now bought more than 10 businesses and is a national authority on the subject.
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