Why am I here? What is my purpose? These are questions that humans have always asked themselves, but somehow most think that they are unique in not having the answers. We look around us and it seems as if most people are purposefully zipping around life, striving, but sure in their knowledge of what they are here for.

We seek answers in religion, in the dozens of self-help book that are published every year, and sometimes even following the lives of celebrities. It seems that in order to climb to the heights of success, you must rise from the ashes of self-destruction. Many of us see ourselves as the secondary character in life's play, disposable and ordinary, content to watch from the sidelines, and or even worse, watching reality shows to witness others engaging in life by behaving outrageously, dangerously or cruelly.

Bookshelves are replete with authors describing their former lives of destitution, addiction, abuse and dysfunctional family life which they have overcome. Celebrities admit to the same thing, many times sharing intimate but sordid family secrets, as if these are the catalysts that can propel you to success and self-knowledge.

So what is the average person to do; the millions of us, who have not sprung from adverse origins? The truth is most us thirst to find their purpose, to go beyond where you are now, to excel in a certain field or endeavor, but sometimes it seems our uneventful life and background, is not the cloth that those in the spotlight are cut from.

There are many who have never hit that rock bottom that so many biographies detail as being the turning point from failure to success. Isn’t it easier to take a monumental risk if we have nothing to lose? How different the equation when we hold our families, career, reputation, etc in the balance? Many times this is exactly what holds us back from pursuing our dreams and passions. We have so many things and persons that we hold dear, and that we are hesitant to risk in a life changing decision, firm in the idea that “others” are meant to lead meaningful and exciting lives. We falsely believe that someone like ourselves, who have such little drama in their lives are meant to only watch from the sidelines.

The truth is that we don’t have to step from desolation into triumph. Maybe life didn’t need to teach us harsh lessons, but nonetheless buried seeds of potential and creativity in our humdrum, sheltered lives. Greatness, and by this I don’t mean notoriety or fame, can be disguised in many forms. It can spring from the worse of circumstances, but many times it lies dormant and protected among those that life has dealt a kinder hand to. Perhaps we don’t think we have this potential inside of us, because our lives are just so average and normal. Intense and fulfilled lives seem to belong to those who have endured a rollercoaster ride on life, but maybe our destinies were meant to be sculpted by kindness, love and normalcy.

Can’t we trust that life placed us in this soil by design, knowing this was the best place, time, etc to nurture the gift that we each have inside? That in reality we all have the seeds of happiness and self-fulfillment within each of us, and that there is no “average” person, unless our own beliefs are what label us as such.

Author's Bio: 

Hypnotherapist, ordained minister and life coach. Director of Miami Hypnotic Center and co-founder of Lotus Path Foundation, Inc, a non-profit organization established to help others heal with hypnotherapy.