1. Assume as an article of absolute faith: There is no possible way to get out of this hole.

2. Blame yourself for getting stuck in this hole and look for the most exquisitely critical things you can say to yourself about your stupidity for ending up where you are.

3. Say "No!" immediately and emphatically to any suggestions you receive from family, friends, co-workers and definitely from your boss or anyone else with experience in digging in or digging out.

4. Blame everyone else in your life for why and how you ended up in this silly hole.

5. Regularly and frequently contemplate in detail all the hours and days and years you've spent in this hole and in other holes before.

6. Think of excuses Woody Allen might give for being in such a hole, laughing off any alternative possibilities for getting out of it.

7. At no time are you to look out of the hole at the sky or at anything around that might suggest a better place to be.

8. Never ask for help, because you just know they'll say, "Huh?" or "Don't bother me!" or "Buzz off!"

9. Take frequent breaks when you don't even bother to dig. Never do today what you could put off doing next week as well. The hole will feel deeper all on its own as you practice these steps, with less and less effort on your part.

10. Assure yourself often that even were you to get out of this hole, you will certainly only end up digging yourself another, even bigger and deeper one.

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If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
- Will Rogers



Coming soon: How to Create the Opposite of a Vicious Circle
And, by the way, what would you call that?

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