Ten past four in the morning. Awake again! The Angels using this space of silence to speak with me - "write" they say.
I ask what they wish for me to write about.
They reply "the dog."
And I don't think they mean Lulu *smile*.
The dog is a reflection of our self value, how we treat ourselves within the "pack." Our loyalty to ourselves & all that we are, so that in turn we can be loyal to others. As with all things we can only give, what we already are.
For myself this animal & the past week has been a reminder that we are multi faceted as the diamond. Meaning (as with the diamond) there are many "faces" to who we are, many "roles" we are here to play - yet these need to merge & work as ONE. All parts in unison, all parts valued equally. One diamond glistening in all its glory.
To stand in the strength & truth of all that we are - to value & celebrate each part of us is of great importance at this time. Yes, it is a juggle but it is not unachievable. Why would beings of love ask of us that which we cannot do or that which we "agreed" to do.
Agreed - yes, we did. We chose to come to this Earth plane at this time to share all our many gifts. To teach, to share, to love. To stand in all our riches so that we as individuals & as a whole can ascend beyond all limitations & boundaries that have held "man" down for so long - too long.
Through choices of my own & the gentle nudging of the Angels - & yes ok the not so gentle nudging from my children, I began to home school my youngest three "nippers" last September. This has bought to our home many blessings for which I am eternally grateful - the way my 12 year old son shines now is just one of the many miracles I see daily.
Yet in this "I" as in "Michelle" has got a little lost. I know some of this was to be expected from the children being at mainstream school 5 days a week to being at home 7 days a week but in my search for my "own space" I gave myself an excuse to have it (amongst other reasons to be saved for another day) by taking on more study it gave me more "to do's" in a time when I had learnt "to be." It began to squash me & was really only a distraction/ a divert from what I was meant to be doing. Catch 22 really.
We have enough to do without giving ourselves more to do from not places of love but places of fear - we say to ourselves we are not enough - or not good enough yet.
We often "strangle" our own gentle unfolding into all that we are with our own self destructive fears of what if - what if we fail, what if we are not ready, what if we are not good enough, what if we do not have the "right" qualifications -disguised as needing to study more, needing the right location, the right time or not having the finances or support.
Endless "excuses" based on fear meaning we don't get to where we are meant to be going - the result - unloving, dis loyalty to our own self, soul contracts unfulfilled & a general feeling of unhappiness - oh & of course "not good enough yet" *smile*
For it is only "I" that can give myself permission to be, all these pieces of "Michelle." I have to recognise myself for all that I am first so that others can recognise me.I have to feel & "know" I am "good enough." The chains or in this case brick walls are not placed there by others - simply ourselves.
It is only in my allowance, my teaching that the children will learn new higher ways, to value all parts of themselves & others . A valuable lesson in a busy, non - stop world, one that children can only learn through imitation.
So what is the message here - the message is slow down. Not too give ourselves so much to do leaving little space to be. To flow with life, not against it. Our roles to play here are often very simple, yet we can complicate them by denying their simplicity with the good old "not enough." Or "not good enough yet!". To value & nurture all parts of ourselves - we are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, partners, friends- to name a few but we all have other gifts to give - to teach, to heal, to inspire, to share. These are just as valuable & not "ours" to keep inside but to set free & bless others with - it is our light waiting to manifest in all its forms, We not only deny others of our gifts but the riches our gifts bless our own lives with - the love, the passion, the fulfillment, the contentment.
These are not roles or gifts we can deny, the Angels, Our Souls will not give up. They will keep trying to make us listen -for our gifts are to give - not keep.
Be loyal to your needs, your dreams.
Your song (bark).
It is time to sing (bark) it loud.
In December 2000 while severely ill in hospital Michelle received an Angel visitation.
The pure light that shone in her room that bleak winter’s day carried her through three major operations, back to her four beautiful children, her health, her strength …and to the incredible Journey of “I am.”
Michelle is the founder of Sanctuary of Angels, a wonderful team of people whose desire is to spread the light of the Angelic Realm.
“Empowering all to shine, as brightly as the Heavens above.”
Please visit sanctuaryofangels.com
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