One of the main reasons teens turn to drugs and alcohol is low self-esteem. The key to keeping teens from abusing these drugs is to help them build their self-esteem. According to various health reports, teens are less likely to participate in recreational drugs and binge drinking if they have high self-esteem.

Typically, drug and alcohol abusers are usually people who want the quick high of substance abuse in order to feel good or accepted. They often are people who do not feel wanted or needed in society, and they seek that gratification in the use of drugs and/or alcohol in order to feel better about themselves and the world.

The key to remember is that we're talking about abusers not typical addicted users. To prevent teen drug abuse and teen alcohol abuse, we must foster in teenagers these feelings of acceptance, self-worth and adequacy.

Reap Benefits For Life - Teen Self-Esteem

If a teen can learn to feel good about themselves, they can reap the benefits their entire life, and it will be a guarantee that they will never feel the need for substance abuse to make them feel good about themselves. The formula is simple; we are trying to encourage good habits of thinking, rather than the self-destructive habits of drug and alcohol addiction.

Good teen self-esteem means simply being happy, and feeling that one is worthy to be happy. It is a reaction to the challenges of everyday life that teenagers and adults face. It also includes confidence in our thoughts and opinions, and a belief in ourselves.

It is a way of looking at oneself emotionally, mentally and physically. Having good self-esteem allows us to be able to handle what the world throws at us (living life on life's terms) without having to turn to other influences such as drugs, alcohol or dangerous behaviors.

Adolescence Is A Difficult Time In Everyone's Life

This is a stressful time with lots of changes. It may be difficult to deal with all the new things thrown at you, and for this reason teens are especially susceptible to outside influences. What may start out as a "fun" or "rebellious" activity can quickly turn itself around to becoming an abuse issue.

It is hard for teens to understand the truth about themselves, and often they value themselves according to what their friends and peers think. This is what makes drug and alcohol addiction so dangerous for teens; they are very vulnerable to pressure from outside. This is what causes teens' images of themselves to become distorted.

This is also important to parents. Teens are especially vulnerable to the opinions of others at this point in their lives. It may be hard to believe, but this includes their parents' opinions as well. You and your teens may argue with one another but deep down, the teens truly value your opinion.
Parents can be the key in fostering teen self-esteem.

It may seem like they don't listen to you, or that they care more about what their friends think, but the truth is that you can be the catalyst in keeping them off drugs and alcohol. Whether they mean to or not, teens listen to their parents, and care deeply whether their parents value them as people or not.

The teenage years are a process of learning and establishing boundaries as well as goals for life. Teens, whether intentionally or not, tend to follow the guidance and value of the parents. Of all the people in the world, teens instinctively want to be valued by their parents.


Author's Bio: 

I have battled drug and alcohol addiction for 30-years. Over those years I have experience first-hand the destruction that addiction brings, not only to the addict but to family members as well.

Today, I live life happy, joyous and free one-day-at-at-time. Sobriety is a gift and it has given me my life back again. It is only from my own experience with many aspects of substance abuse that I am able to give back to you.

Robert Jakobsen
Recovery Network