If you are like most people who have joined a network marketing company, more than likely you were told to make a list of your family and friends. You were also told about the three foot rule. For those who don't know, the three foot rule is where you share your opportunity with anyone within 3 feet of you at any given time. In addition, these well meaning sponsors may have also encouraged you to place flyers on cars at the local grocery stores or in chain stores. While these ideas might spark some additional business the idea that you can build a huge downline with these concepts are remote at best.

Let's be honest. How many 6 figure income earners do you believe built their businesses by talking to their family and friends? My guess is very few if any.

As with anything, there may be that rare exception. And of course there may be a few friends or family members who have exhibited the desire to own their own in-home business and have the business savvy to do well. But again, this is not the norm and most average folks can not build a large income this way.

Then there is the idea that everyone is your prospect. How ridiculous is that? Not everyone shares your enthusiasm about your company or your product. If they did I guess the whole world would be in network marketing.

So just how do these 6 figure (or more) income earners do it? Is there a secret? Well one might think so since most successful upline leaders never share how "they" actually created their large down lines and massive incomes.

Since they won't tell you, I will. They talked to their "target" market! Their real target market!

And just who is that you may ask?

In network marketing, your target market is anyone who has exhibited the desire to work from home or others who have their own businesses. In other words your target market is other network marketers. These are people who are currently in network marketing or who have previously been in the industry. They have exhibited the desire for time freedom and the desire to create lasting long term residual income. They already know the ropes and they already have a network of associates from other network marketing endeavors.

The same holds true for those who have owned their own businesses. These folks understand what it means to network with people and generally have a larger circle of business relationships

If they were to join your network marketing company not only would they have the contacts to grow their business quickly but yours of course would grow quickly as well.

And because we live in the age of the internet, finding other network marketers and business owners is much easier today than in previous years.

Look to social networking communities, individual company websites, and google as your means to finding the contact information on these individuals who will help you grow a very lucrative network marketing business. Now all you have to do is pick up the phone.

Author's Bio: 

"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?" - Satchel Paige

Passionate about health Darlene Tabler is a natural health advocate, investigator and researcher who believes that we as a collective have been sold a bill of goods where true health is concerned. It's time to take our power and our health into our own hands! To learn how to begin your journey to good health click on the website below.


You can contact me at: 502-363-0101