You may need help if you have been unsuccessful in your attempts to stop smoking. There are those moments when the withdrawal symptoms are too much to handle, or the cravings simply become too powerful to ignore.

These moments can occur even when you are using aids like nicotine gum, patches, or maybe even laser therapy or anti-smoking hypnosis. If you have a lapse and pick up a cigarette, you can quickly become a full-time smoker again.

Now days, if you get those lapses there are some natural herbal products available that can help you get through those periods. Remember the goal is to stop smoking completely, and make it as painless, and as easy as possible.

There are a variety of natural herbal-brand products around in tablet form that can help you if you are having a tough go of it. Some even has an accompanying homeopathic spray that can be applied directly to the tongue. The tablet and spray imitate the effects of nicotine, without putting any nicotine back into your system.

The premise is, if your craving for tobacco becomes particularly intense, you also utilize the spray. It’s a liquid oral spray that is quickly absorbed by the tongue into the body. A couple of applications of the homeopathic spray, a few times a day, accompanied by the recommended tablet dosage is designed to help you get through the craving periods, and to assist you to stop smoking.

Some products utilize Lobelia, also known as Indian tobacco as a key ingredient. It has the same effect on your nervous system as the effects of nicotine. But, it is suppose to be a much healthier substitution than nicotine supplements.

The idea is; that the nicotine in your system is flushed completely from your body, and ideally the craving for tobacco disappears with no side effects. The theory is: the product causes the taste of any tobacco product to be so unpleasant it kills the urge to cheat.

There are many products on the market to help you stop smoking. Some work, many do not, but it is in your best interest if you are serious about quitting to, at least look into the ones that are going to make it the least painful for you.

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Access The Smoke Deter Program Here to receive more specific information on easy ways to stop smoking. You can also consult my Squidoo Lens Here. My website Herbal Health For U Shoppe focuses on helping people maintain a much healthier lifestyle in general. This article is free for republishing, but the resource links must be retained.