Whether you are just starting out in your career, seeking a promotion, or are thinking about taking your career in a new direction, you will benefit from the practical tips and suggestions in Stepping Up: 12 Ways to Rev Up, Revitalize, or Renew Your Career. With more than 35 years of experience as a human resources professional, author S. Gary Snodgrass is a reliable resource for career success advice.

Readers are encouraged to spend time thinking about skills and preferences that impact job satisfaction. Snodgrass is a proponent of lifelong learning as a key component of career success. He reminds readers that the way to get up the next step in the career ladder is to evaluate skill gaps and seek the training needed to get from where you are to where you want to be, and he provides step-by-step guidance regarding how to do so.

This brief, easy-to-read volume is full of practical advice that can make a real difference in your lifelong job satisfaction. It reads quickly, is less than 100 pages, and is full of inspirational tips that can help put you on the path to the career of your dreams.

Author's Bio: 

Book review provided by Mary Gormandy White, training and career expert with Mobile Technical Institute and MTI Business Solutions (www.mobiletechwebsite.com). Visit (www.dailybizsolutions.com for small business marketing, PR, and operations advice, as well as an ongoing series of business book reviews. See (www.dailycareerconnection.com for professional development tips and career advice.