Web Sites: http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/craig_lock.html and http://www.craiglockbooks.com
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, words of inspiration, "spiritual, spiritual writings" (how "airey-fairey"), and money management - how boring now, Craig!)

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"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."
Sharing some Thoughts and Principles on Spiritual Matters from Gary Zukav (Part One)

"A person who works with their hands is a laborer; a person who
works with their hands and their brain is a craftsman; but a
person who works with their hands and their brain and their
heart is an artist."
- Louis Nizer

Author's Note:
This article (in point form) was largely based upon notes (short), that I've taken from Gary Zukav, as he appeared on Oprah Winfrey's most uplifting TV program from some years back (when I had just the seed of a dream in my soul - to embark on a new path in life). I have personalised some
of the information in following the principles, as well as
adding some brief additional thoughts and anecdotes,
from my own journey (as I feel this piece has a lot of meaning to me, as I feel it "mirrors" my own "unchartered" path).

Gary Zukav's personal journey and philosophy has been a great encouragement and inspiration to me in self discovery (and even more importantly, self growth) in following my personal dream as a writer for many years. As a result, I'm sharing this piece with the hope and in the spirit of encouraging and perhaps even inspiring other people to connect with their "spiritual aspect" and follow their personal dreams, through being their "Authentic Self", the "True You". That is my dream!!


Submitter's Note: If in reading this piece you'd rather see what Gary Zukav terms God as being "more feminine or neutral" to you, please simply substitute the pronoun "His".

Thought energy is as powerful as prayer - powerful and empowering. It's a different thought dimension and greater consciousness - has nothing to do with time and space. It's to do with the Universe and human consciousness.

Ability is unleashed, because of thought.
You CAN make a difference; because of something innate in you/me. Don't waste time, because life is precious... and every moment is a "holy" moment.

"I regard life as a painting and my life as my greatest masterpiece."
- Shakti Gawain:

Courage is saying, "I'm on the wrong track", turning back and starting again. The Universe, God is waiting for you. God is love and is waiting to honour you. It's a CALLING - because everyone of us has something valuable and unique to offer the world. DISCOVER it and honour God. The rest of the Universe rises to honour your calling.


It's "a light-bulb moment" = intention. I'm much better - empathic and kinder. Listen to your intuitive voice - your heart.

Love is making you complete; but "calling it into being" requires you to do your own inner work.

God favours us. He speaks to us, so we should listen. He is making an awesome plan/play-thing of our life. With HIS DIVINE PROMISE.
There are thousands of ways we take for granted: gifts and encourage.
"Things" don't just work out - God works things out.

Valleys can be for moving through - not wallowing in.
When in a valley, PRESS ON.

If we do our part, God will do His part. You can count on it. He will work out miracles.

"When you take one step towards Allah, God takes one step towards you." (The Qu'ran)

"The me I see is the me I'll be. See yourself in a positive light and don't "beat yourself up". Don't carry excess baggage; but see yourself the way God sees you.

Everything can be taken away from you, except what you put into your own mind. It's not what life can give me; but what I can do. Love life and guide people not to live in fear.

Thought energy is POWER. Learn WHO you really are, your authentic self. My purpose in life is to edify my Creator - the purest mirror is to edify God, because God cannot edify Himself. Everyone has to first discover, then HONOUR THEIR CALLING.

Believe in yourself.
Believe in your fellow man
Believe in God, because God loves infinitely.

God loves us
to love others
I love others.

Become "the artist of your life." Design it. Make each day the best, a "master-piece".
Then your life will become a "masterpiece" it can be.

Thanks so much for these insightful and inspirational thoughts from Gary Zukav, which I'm sharing in this piece. I hope they encourage and inspire you as they do me.

Craig Lock ("Incorrigible Encourager, Information and Inspiration Distributor")

"The light shines in from the inside."
- Dr Andrew Eastcott (Gisborne, New Zealand)

"We have it within; but we get it all from without. There is a deep well-spring of strength, wisdom, courage and great imagination
within each one of us; but once we draw on this truth, it gets watered from without, by a Higher Source - the Source of Life and Love, which is God, the very Ground of our Being."

About the Submitter:
Craig has been studying the overlap between the mind (psychology) and spirituality for "many moons". He believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy.

Craig is presently working on his latest novel 'The Awakened Spirit', based on some true and inspiring stories of the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us, told against the backdrop of a troubled and exciting continent. Stories of endless possibilities of the human experience.

The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at:
http://www2.webng.com/writernz/ and

Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let's encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world."


Author's Bio: 

Craig has been studying the overlap between the mind (psychology) and spirituality for "many moons". He believes in sharing information and insights to make a difference in this world: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey ... and that brings him the greatest joy.

Craig is presently working on his latest novel 'The Awakened Spirit', based on some true and inspiring stories of the indomitable human spirit, that lies within each one of us, told against the backdrop of a troubled and exciting continent. Stories of endless possibilities of the human experience.

The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at:
www2.webng.com/writernz/ and

Together, one mind, one soul at a time, let's encourage, impact, uplift and perhaps even inspire the world."