As this is my first article for Self Growth Site, I want to be up front and clear with the reader.

What I am going to share with you might be considered sacred knowledge as it comes from my travels seeking wisdom from wise people around the world. It is NOT to be charged for. I have found this to be a financial challenge. I therefore request a registration fee of $100 which is a one time charge that ought to save you enough time and effort to justify this registration fee. Pardon my bluntness, as I am on the edge and require funding to maintain myself.

Let's get started.

You want to involve yourself with self growth. Where do you start? How much is your budget? who do you go and visit? what is your timeline? Do you need to make money while you do so? what skills do you have? In short, before you go into any process it is wise to identify where you are in your life. Physically, mentally , emotionally, and spiritually. This comes from the medicine wheel and has other qualities involved if you care to study the dynamic of the wheel and how it realties to your being. The next level of your “now” is your economic state, your energy, your ethics, and your health. These eight aspects are all operating at the same moment of time in everything that you do. It may be wise to have a perspective of where you are in these areas of your life.

Why? Because the intention of this exercise is to transform yourself into a new you. It is a precondition to recognize where you are when you begin.

Another aspect of where you are when you begin the process is to connect to what you understand to b your sense experiences. Why? Because your sense experiences define how you experience the world. Most of us have come to where we are and have been taught that we have 5 – maybe six senses. This is the first big lie you are going to have light shone on.

You are much more than that. We believe we are multiple sensory beings that have limited ourselves by not thinking further on this. Most teachers that open you up to new understandings develop one or more of your senses – never giving you the full scope of your potential – as most teachers enjoy teaching and like the student to become dependent upon them for their input (and $). I do not have that desire. I am working with what is called the prime directive – to receive for the purpose of sharing. My role is to share what I have learned – and your role will also be to share what you learn from me.

A major realization for me came when I first learned over twenty years ago that there were 15 senses. Many elders talked about it. But none were ready or willing to teach about it. I have even learned that those that were able to put a number on the sense experience (Steiner) are not the exact same as what I have come to understand. I guess we each have our own process of understanding and learning.

This discourse will introduce the basic principles to you and that ought to be sufficient for your own explorations into who you are.

The overview of the sense experiences are as follows, and they have been numbered as a matter of priority and what I consider to be a vibratory experience based on the principle that we all are vibration, and what we experience through our senses is a form of vibratory experience. The receptors that we have are what we call our measuring tools of our experience. Of course reality is oft outside of what we can experience – but that does not mean that it is not real – for example – the light known as “ultra red” is outside of our sight experience, but we know that it is there because we have developed equipment to measure it – the same is said of certain sounds that are either above or below our threshold of our personal experience. But the sounds are there.

We have come to agree rather without argument that the five senses of touch, sound, sight, smell, and taste are real experiences and we agree on this because we have developed equipments to measure these concepts.

Our next senses we are reasonably certain when you become aware of them, you will identify easily and will be able to develop a relationship with your understanding of them. Time and space, temperature and Balance. These are real senses and we have developed processes for demonstrating these realities for ourselves. You may challenge any of these if you wish, but upon deepening your understanding you will see how these go into the composite of you.

The next senses are more of the mental construct, but are as important as any of the first senses. Their order is reasonably important in your learning process. Many teach intuition (as the 6th sense, but I think it is important that you understand intuition as the twelfth sense. Before you learn about your intuition it is important that you have a sense of “knowing” and a sense of your “memory”. These two senses can be exercised (and ought to be) before embarking on understanding your intuition – in order to give your intuition a true base upon which to be experienced. Each of the above twelve senses can be tested through tests you develop yourself, in order for you to have a direct relationship of what it is you understand – and that which you may not understand. I call this the area that we do not know that we do not know. (DNKDNK). Few teachers teach in this realm as we are much more adept at teaching what people know they do not know. (DNK)

The next sense of your senses is your sense of your emotions. There is a whole range of experience and each of us has so many I will not explore any one in particular – but I think it is important to recognize that your emotions form a major role in what you experience. Most of us have little understanding of our “emotional” base and emotional make-up. But we have learned a number of breathing techniques that enable one to take control over their emotions – not that I or anyone is an absolute expert at controlling ones emotions. Certainly there are those that are what may be considered – emotionally “cold”. This may not indicate a control over the emotion – but rather a tuning out. I am reminded of the teacher who pointed out her difficulty in disciplining one of her students. (African story) The teacher was challenged with disciplining a boy who had returned from the war zone as a soldier. The boys right of passage into the “army group” was that he had to kill his father first. This puts a challenge into the most effective teacher and frankly moved me to tears when I first heard the story.

This brings us to a major tool when dealing with emotions. Our breathing. Unfortunately we are not taught breathing in our general school systems. The most liberal of schools might say “take a deep breath” in its conflict resolution program. And that would be unusual in the countries of Canada and the United States educational systems where teaching breath work is NOT allowed in the schools.

Many if not all teachers of self growth teach some form of breathing as a process for enriching the being. There are over thirty breath techniques that I am able to share depending upon the requirement – each with a different effect.

After developing an insight into your emotional make-up the next step is your spiritual sense. What is it that you consider to be spiritual? What is it in you that makes you yearn to know more?

This brings us to the big one. the purpose of our growth. the purpose of our unfolding process. the optimum sense – I have many names for it and not wanting to offend, I refer to the sense as love, or g-d, or endlessness, or great mystery. This sense is what we experience when we become enlightened. And this may happen for only one second in ones life – or it may be a recurring experience. Most that come to know the experience get addicted to it, and spend as much of their time as they can to be in that space. It is one of total contentment. Of course I will not say more on this as it is up to each of us to discover the experience without words or direction – just knowing that it is your ultimate e experience of your self.

This is the end of my first presentation.

My next treatise will be on “transformation” and the common qualities of all transformations.

Author's Bio: 

Mitchell L. Gold, C.A. Honorary Ph.D (Peace Education, Huntsville A&M University), Chartered Accountant for thirty years. Published Academic articles on Education: Brief to Delors International Commission on Education for the 21st Century, The International Journal of Humanities and Peace. Conceptualizer of the The One Per Cent Solution (TOPS) program recognized by the World Future Study Federation (WFSF) in 2001 as a Visionary Education Program for creating futures conscious organizations.
Mr. Gold acts as Vice President of North American Affairs for the International Association of Educators for World Peace with consultative status at the United Nations, UNESCO, ECOSOC, and UNICEF. Special UN Envoys of the IAEWP.