I ask you to stop and really think about what that sentence is saying and how it affects your dealings with prospects.

Sales is not something you do “to” someone, it’s something you do for someone. This one sentence suggests to me that I should be open about how I can help someone when I am talking to them. To me it suggests you shouldn’t think about how much you are going to make, or how much can sell them, but you should concentrate on how this person needs help and how they can best be served. Let God or the Universe be a conduit through you. The answer may be that you refer them to someone else.

If you are talking to a prospect, and know that your service/product can help them and is the right thing, and the prospect comes up with objections, ask yourself “How can I help them make the right decision for them?” Ultimately, they need to make a decision to purchase or not. It is your responsibility to share with them your knowledge and beliefs.

I also suggest that when people are telling you they can’t afford your services, or telling you other objections, you are letting them sell you on their beliefs. The person with the most certainty wins the discussion. Is it you or is it them?

Beliefs are another subject that should be examined. What are your beliefs about running a business or having a life of abundance? Do you believe that being an entrepreneur is easy – that it’s easy to help people? Do you believe that money is abundant and easy to come by? Do you believe living the life you desire should be effortless? Or not.

Your beliefs control your perceptions. If you perceive your business as not being successful, you have a belief leading you to perceive that. Uncover the belief and you can change your perception. If you have a belief that money is easy to make, or raising children is fun and effortless, then it is! If you believe success is only for people that work 16 hour days and had multiple degrees, then that is your truth.

What do you believe?

(c) 2008, A Marketing Connection

Author's Bio: 

Author of Powerful Interviewing Techniques for Healthcare Marketers E-book, Kelly Robbins is an award winning copywriter and marketing coach/consultant. She also publishes The Healthcare Marketing Connection, a free e-zine on healthcare marketing tips. Contact Kelly to receive her free report, "5 critical things you must know when writing for the healthcare industry" - info@AMarketingConnection.com or 303-460-0285.