We have entered into a new year which is to be known thought the generations of our life as one that is historical and life changing. For must of us, well at least me, it is also time to come up with what will be our New Years Resolution or promise to ourselves of our accomplishments for 2009. I decided this year that what I need to have is a year of expectations.

Expectations, also known as opportunities, potential and hope. It is the elements that cause us to strive for what is next. It is the reason that we set goals or the resolutions for the year, which is where the breakdown can come. With every resolution, there has to be a plans and with plans, goals. It would be great if we could loose weight, stop smoking, find love or a new career with just words alone. I have decided to back my desires with expectation. It is what will move me to actually except the challenge. What will it take for you to make those necessary changes in your life for 2009? It is already the end of the month. If you donâ??t take charge of that desire, it will be November of 2009 and you will see that sinking ship again before you. Here are some suggestions for how to plan:
-Write down clearly what your resolution is. If you have decided that the one that you told your friends, again, on New Years Eve is not going to work for you, do sweat it. Make a promise to you that is good for youâ?¦not others.

-What ever that promises is, take time now to write down what steps it will take for you to reach this goal. It may take research and a visit to your physician, trainer or counselor.
-Keep a calendar or planner that is private just for you. Write down on specific days what you want to accomplish. By keeping it private, no one can put pressure on you or criticize you for having to make changes in your plan. You will make changes as the days go because there is not way to tell what each day will bring. Seeing your step by step victories will help you run the race to the finish line. The finish line is where your expectations for yourself are. Failure is not an option when your dreams are your own. They have been there for a long time. They are the things you thought of as a child and what motivates you daily to see come to life.

I have gone through so many days and years without really looking for my own reward. You can give and give and forget that it is Ok to dream and want something for yourself. So remind yourself as you begin a new project, pursue a dream or go for that New Year's resolution that your own exceptions need to be high on your list of priorities. You will feel a since of pride as you strive for your what will make you become and better person. Allow your life to become a magnet for total prosperity. I am looking for takers in my life this year that have something to give me in return. Conversation, attitude, love, hope and charity, my recipe for expectation. My son said that his desire for our family this year is that we will start and not stop. I could have not said it better!
Happy 2009!
Karen L. Donald
Copyright January 2009

Author's Bio: 

Karen L. Donald is truly a woman of personal victory. Overcoming battles of abuse, addiction and trauma, she is rising up as one of the most demanded speakers in the United States. As an established entrepreneur, Karen founded Donald and Associates. As a trainer, International speaker and 20 years of Multimedia experience, she has formed a team of specialist across the country that offer training and consultation through workshops, conferencing and newsletters. In 2009, you will be able enjoy her powerful seminars via CD/DVD, public television, internet and more!
She is well known for her area of expertise, Inner Healing of the total man. Karen offers training for sales teams, community organizations and individuals who are looking to overcome barriers in their lives. She has a message of hope and testimony of victory that is her message and medicine for empowerment and emotional healing.

When asked of her success, she says that being transparent in all areas of her life is used to help others. Her words of encouragement to all are simple but powerful. "Everyday you live is a second chance at life!"