Remembrance Day
I awoke this morning well before first light. November 11 is a special day in my heart. A day to remember times and people past, and remember with gratitude.
I have been fortunate to live in a time in history were I have not been needed to serve in active military service. My children look like they will have the same thing happen, who knows about my grandchildren.
My grandfather and father were not as fortunate.
Both served in world wars far away from home. Both suffered war related ailments, I think both physical and mental, that were with them a lifetime. They were among the fortunate, they got to come home. Thousands didn't. My mother was born in England. Her active service during the war involved recovering the dead and maimed from bombed buildings. Again, she carries scars to this day, particularly the scars of a breakdown she had while in active service.
I was the product of the war, my mother one of a legion of war brides.
My own history is shared by many my age. Young people may not be aware, but my generation, known as baby boomers, were a result of a population explosion that occurred when the war around the world ended.
Today, I look back with gratitude to those men and women who sacrificed so much for us. They gave unselfishly so that those of us who read this today could live a great life, a life free of "world" wars, a life were we have had major opportunities in a relatively secure country. Personally, I remember with a huge welling of gratitude for my family that served, and for the hundreds of thousands globally who put their lives on the line for what they believed in.
Every war has winners and losers. Yet every person fought for a cause.
On days like today, when I reflect on the great sacrifices that were made, I wonder, did I take full advantages of the sacrifices others made? Do I truly appreciate them? Are the generations who have followed mine in touch with the huge sacrifices that were made that has given us opportunity?
Personally I believe I have lived in an era that will go down as the height of North American world dominance. We live in a period of great change, and that change is reflected in the diverse country and community I live in. I am glad that I am able to embrace change, and again, with gratitude, reflect back on the sacrifices that have allowed us the opportunity to prosper and grow!
The challenge remains, with the opportunities given, are we utilizing them, or do we take too much for granted? Have we the courage to live the lives others long ago made such huge sacrifices to give us?
I am fortunate that a series of events unfolded that allowed me to start a journey that allows me to live a life I am reasonably happy with, and take advantage of the freedoms that we do enjoy. I am glad that I know, because of what others did in the past, I have a right to a joyous life if I work for it and stay spiritually fit.
Thanks Grandpa, Dad and Mom, and the hundreds of thousands of others for giving us a chance. I remember, and I'm grateful!

Author's Bio: 

Life Coach, practical application of the Creative Theory of Life Recovery