Broken bones, ruptured spleen, bruised swollen tissue, and ultimately a diagnosed clinical condition labeled as “degenerative disc.” Such a label can connote a permanent, defective body part, and ultimately an image of broken body.

I hear domestic violence survivors talk about their injuries as not only their battle scars, but as their life sentences. Such a belief can only work to sustain the bodily dysfunction. And it is no wonder why full recovery is yet to come.

If you are holding your physical injuries in this way, the following three points could change your life.

1) The body is in, and under, constant change. Every 30 days the skin replaces itself, liver in six weeks, bone in a matter of months. In fact every year you look in the mirror on your birthday, you are actually looking at a different body.

2) Our thoughts are the magnets of matter, thus what we think we create. If your vision is of the body you wish to manifest, rather that the one you feel trapped in, then you set in motion the largest ignition system imaginable…one that can ignite whatever you imagine.

3) The natural tendency of the body is to mend itself and, whether you believe this or not, our bodies are truly charmed by well-being. The moment the body feels harmony tip-toe in, it yields to it in awe.

If you are a domestic violence survivor and your physical injuries are holding up your complete healing, look deeply into the three points above. Hold reverence for point number one, create a platform for point three and make point number two a daily practice. Doing so will change your body and your life.

Author's Bio: 

If you want more healing tips and insights, I invite you to claim your free Survivor Success Tips and eInsights . Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D., director of Partners in Prevention, helps people recognize, end and heal from domestic violence.

© 2008 Jeanne King, Ph.D.