Is there room in my life for another person? Be honest, do you have the time and energy, right now, for a deep, loving, healthy relationship? If not now, when? If you are not sure, try this: Close your eyes for a minute. Imagine you are sitting in a movie theater facing a large, black screen. As you are sitting in this dark theater, ask yourself to project onto the screen in big red letters the month and year you will be ready. If you got an answer, great. If you didn’t, don’t worry, it just means you aren’t meant to know this today. You may want to ask yourself: what people or projects must I attend to before I will be “ready?” You may find that there are some big, important projects to be completed as you are preparing to manifest your soul mate.

Don’t fight the timing. I believe that timing is everything and that means we must become willing to work on God’s timetable. Timing and destiny are inevitably entwined and we must learn trust the Universe. In the book EAT, PRAY, LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert there is a section on destiny that I really like:

Destiny is a play between divine grace and willful self effort. Half of it you have no control over, half of it is absolutely in your hands and your actions will show measurable consequence. Man is neither entirely a puppet of the Gods nor is he entirely the captain
of his own destiny. He is a little of both. We gallop through our lives like circus performers balancing on two speeding side-by-side horses. One foot is on the horse called “Faith”, the other on the horse called “Free Will” and the question you have to ask everyday is which horse is which, which horse do I need to stop worrying about because it’s not under my control and which do I need to steer with concentrated effort.”

In preparing to manifest your soul mate there is an element of faith and destiny and there is also a big element of willful effort. It’s a combination of the three that will get you the prize.

Author's Bio: 

Arielle Ford is a professional, previously unmarried woman who is revealing her secret to finding romance, love, marriage, and a perfect soulmate. She discovered how to take her professional success and apply it to her personal life, and she has never been happier. Now she wants to share that secret with you. Learn how to find your soulmate at