There are many ways to stay on track with your goals and keep moving towards creating the life of your own design. Making a list of what you value most in life, and then being true to those things you value, is one of the best ways to get you from where you are to where you want to be. This list becomes a Checklist for Success!
Begin your list by first taking a few moments to think of what is the one thing you value more than anything else in the world and then write it on the top of a page. Continue with the second thing you value most, and write it below the first one. Continue listing what you value most in order of importance. When your list is done, you have before you your hierarchy of what is most important to you in life. For example:
Significant Other
Family and Friends
Pets and Plants
Next, write down everything you need to do in order to be true to each of the things you value. For example: God - Create and/or maintain a strong relationship with God by doing good things such as solving problems instead of creating them; serve humanity through my work and/or life; do onto others as I would like to have done onto me; meditate and/or pray daily; be grateful for all the goodness in my life as well as for the challenges that help me grow and learn; and be more charitable.
Self - Be the best me I can possibly be by putting conscious effort into keeping healthy in:
Body - maintain health or do whatever is necessary to return to health; exercise and maintain a healthy weight; sleep as much as is needed for my body; be conscious not to abuse drugs or alcohol; eliminate negative or harmful habits.
Spirit - keep a strong relationship with God; touch base with my inner self through meditation; be kind and generous to others; do something creative daily; enjoy art and music; and spend more time with nature.
Mind - think positive thoughts; search for solutions to all challenges; set and update goals quarterly; create mental pictures of desired future and revise them as necessary; practice mental gymnastics such as when using memory techniques.
Emotions - be true to what I believe in; set clear boundaries for myself and others; overcome even the slightest fears; be open to loving and being loved; do what ever I need to do to truly love myself; accept myself for who and how I am in the areas I cannot change; accept others for who and how they are realizing they are probably doing the best they know how; forgive myself and others and move forward.
Other - continue to learn new skills and talents; strengthen existing skills and talents; enjoy my work and do it very well; have a makeover; do everything so well that I would be proud to sign my name next to it.
Significant Other - Love and accept my Significant Other for who and how they are; have fun and laugh a lot with them; be affectionate and share a lot of physical, loving contact; be a source of emotional support; keep the spontaneity and passion alive; be available; be sensitive to their needs; be totally honest, maintain clear lines of communication; always be best friends.
Children - teach them about God and goodness; love and accept them unconditionally for who and how they are; discover their unique nature and gift; acknowledge and respect them as individuals, be the best teacher and guide I can possibly be; be a good example; teach them healthy morals and values; teach them to take responsibility for all their actions and outcomes; teach them how to make good choices and decisions, teach them about consequences; teach them how to create a life of their own design; keep a 24 hour open line of communication; be patient.
Family and Friends - stay connected; address unresolved issues whenever necessary and appropriate; do not enable unresourceful behaviors; be honest; forgive and allow to be forgiven; make amends if necessary; lend a helping hand; be available; be supportive; encourage positive change when ever necessary; spend time together; remember their birthdays and special occasions; be there for them during tough times.
Pets and Plants - love, respect and appreciate them and their existence; be sensitive to their needs; provide them with the proper care for maximum health; spend time with them; have fun.
This sample list may or may not match the kind of person you are today. Putting that aside, you will notice that material possessions and finances are not listed. This is because when you are doing everything you know how to do to keep your relationship with God and your Self strong, healthy and true, then you will have plenty of work. And, because you do your work so well with your have highly developed skills and talents, you will be in high demand giving you the corresponding income to buy the possessions you desire.
Note: It would be interesting to see how your Checklist for Success compares to that of your Significant Other. If they are the same, you may have a match made in heaven. If they are slightly different, then you may each agree to modify your lists in order for them to match. This could be taken as a sort of written agreement between the two of you that basically states you will go through life together valuing the same things. If your lists are totally different and there is no desire to make any modifications in order to make a closer match, then you may want to reconsider how Significant the Other really is.
These kinds of lists can be made between you and anybody else such as business partners, employees and children. Parents and children making a list with the title "What It Takes To Have And Maintain A Healthy, Loving And Open Relationship" may find it to be a real eye opener when the most important thing for a parent is to have "open communication," yet for the child it is having "total privacy." As long as each person participating in this exercise is willing to be flexible and work together the outcome is more than likely going to be very positive.
Your Checklist for Success is a great way to set goals as well. Whenever you discover that you are not doing something that would surely improve how you relate to one of the persons or things on the list, then make it a goal for you to reach. Your life will only move forward, and in a very positive manner.
Laura Silva Quesada is the daughter of Jose Silva, founder of the original Silva Mind Control. She has authored the book For Parents Only and guides people through the mental exercises in the tape series on the Silva Method. She also is the star of The Silva Method in Action video and more recently one of the authors of the Universal Mind Power audio tape program. Today, Laura is responsible for the MindBiz, LLC Product Development and Communications. She is involved in continuing research that unites the best and most useful of the concepts behind our original Mind Development programs with the latest findings from studies on the Human Mind, Intuition, Alternative Health Care, NLP, and Spirituality. She acts as the communications point for our Client and Affiliate network and is aggressively developing new and exciting programs for our Internet site and Product Store. To learn more, please visit:
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