One of the long-standing skin conditions among teenagers or adults alike is acne. There are many types of acne and there are equally numerous solutions that have been formulated to treat each of them. The scarring caused by acne does not only affect the person¡¯s outside appearance but it also scars emotionally and psychologically.

Teenage years are the most physically-conscious years of all our lives. When an adolescent has acne during these years, it is possible that he would totally shy away from his peers. Adults, when still afflicted with this condition would possibly have an abnormal social life. People today are approval-seekers. The society dictates that physical appearance matters most and is the focal point of all decisions affecting a person¡¯s social life. Today, how a person appears is highly significant of how other people would think of him as a person. A human¡¯s tendency is to conform to the so-called norms and when he falls short, that is where the wrong perception about him begins.

Acne is a major problem when it comes to physical appearance. Teenagers, who are the ones that are most afflicted with this condition, have to bear ridicule among their peers and this can be psychologically damaging as they are still on the stage of truly knowing who they are. What they experience during these years of their lives could greatly affect their future. Adults, although more mature than teenagers, still suffer from the psychological burdens of having acne. In their case, they are bound to suffer from depression, social anxiety or eating disorders.

Most people who suffer from acne look towards cream concealers or makeup to hide their blemishes. These products could be the answer to hide milder forms of acne but for those who suffer from the more severe cases, these products can¡¯t do much. Since majority of the severe forms of acne cannot be hid using makeup, these people resort to changing their diet to remedy the problem.

There are some foods that do influence breakouts on one¡¯s skin. But a greater number of the foods that people with acne fear do not actually affect one¡¯s skin. Some say chocolates and nuts cause pimples but, in fact, does not. Still others say spicy food might be a possible cause, too. Remember, though, that acne can be a genetic condition. Some cases might possibly have come about due to a person¡¯s genes. Only a small number can be attributed to poor eating habits. Since most acne cases start during teenage years, it would be better to start balancing one¡¯s diet while he is much younger rather than be sorry when he¡¯s already older and still studded with acne.

Another psychological misconception on acne is the belief that acne is caused by having unclean skin. Most people who have acne suffer unnecessarily because of this view on them, thus, their self-esteem is greatly affected.

What then, should people with acne think about themselves? Primarily, they have to do something about the underlying cause of the loss of self-esteem - meaning, they have to treat their acne condition. There are two ways to do this: all by himself or he could ask the help of a professional dermatologist. The latter is a much better option since the skin doctor will also be able to give you some advice on how to alleviate your anxiety and depression since the acne will be treated soon.

Author's Bio: 

Darren is an online medical researcher and webmaster of Acne Treatment and Natural Acne Treatment. You can find the this useful article: "Homemade Acne Treatment ¨C 5 Tips from Experts" at Also, don't forget to download your 70-page acne ebook for FREE.