Entangled with the surface movements of the mind, you think that you are subject to the pendulum swing of contrasts, the negative and positive of this reality. Entangled in this ever-changing mental movement you believe and so conceive of life as a bi-polar roller-coaster ride.

But this simply isn’t the case!

You needn’t move with the tide of changing thoughts for the very reason that you are and you rest always prior to all thoughts.

Where you are in this design, your primal placement amidst all of these movements secures for you a place of ease, peace, and effortlessness. For as long as you remain where you truly are, for as long as attention is left to rest in the timeless space Here, nothing touches you. Nothing can touch you, for Here is always the absence of all mental movement.

When thoughts are seen to be just thoughts, all dissolves. when the flurry of mental thoughts that stir for whatever reason are left alone, that energy dissipates. In the absence of your participation, your identification and entanglement with thought, the appearing train evaporates. Not only can you stand in the authority of your direct seeing, but you can stand in the authority of your true Being which rests in the ever-present space of “nowness.”

Mind always travels down the path of least resistance. Human conditioning has made it so that this path of least resistance, the path so frequently traveled, is that of insecurity, the breeding ground of fear, guilt, and useless patterns that drain the life energy of this design.

When scenes arise, when change appears, mind picks up its bag of thoughts and scurries down the previously defined grooves.

So the reminder comes: you needn’t move with the tide of changing thoughts for the very reason that you are and you rest always prior to all thoughts. You are prior to all mental movement. Recede attention back to this space. From Here you can create new mental grooves or you can keep your attention anchored in the space where mind has no input.

That place is Here. That time is Now.

Author's Bio: 

Kidest is a personal life and spiritual consultant offering her perspective to guide and direct those on the spiritual and self-improvement path. For more information about her approach, please visit: infinite-life.com