The objective for this last portion is going to be introducing to you the whole idea of the planning process. You can get a review of this by going to the membership website and looking at the weekly wrap up. The weekly wrap up, I usually have some good intentions of trying to show you my twenty minute process without any commentary. Unfortunately, because my core I am a teacher; I love to teach. In fact, one of the reason why I do what I do; the question that I would get invariably at a seminar or invariably at an event like this is hey Mac, if this stuff is so great, then why are you selling it?

One of the big reasons is actually very selfish. When I teach, I get better. When I was in the military, I taught hand to hand combat. We taught hand to hand combat to the 147th, which is the most elite aviation unit in the entire world as far as I am concerned. These are the guys if you have seen Blackhawk Down; those are the nut cases who are flying those little helicopters and would go in places that nobody wants to go. We trained those guys. I trained 82nd Airborne division. I trained the 305th division. I literally trained two to three hundred people at a whack. I love to teach.

One of the reasons I taught martial arts was I got better at it. One of the reasons why I teach this is because I get better at it. It forces me to remember the fundamentals and the best people at anything; I don’t care if it is trading, knitting, crocheting, golf, whatever; the guys who are the best are the ones who concentrate on the fundamentals. I believe it was Newt Rockety who would start out every season and he would hold up a football and he would say; this is a football. He would literally go all the way back to those basics after the break of the off season. He knew that real professionals never get tired of drilling the fundamentals.

I am doing this on purpose because I want to show you just how fast you can really get this analysis down.

Author's Bio: 

Mac X is recognized as a forex expert trainer, forex trader and author of three best-selling forex trading books and Home Study Courses including "How To Get Filthy Stinking Rich Trading The Forex" book and Home Study, "How To Trade The Harmonics of The Foreign Exchange Markets". Mac X has trained over 1,300 students in large forex seminars, one-on-one and small groups. Read Mac's Forex Blog for more Forex Trading information at