Now that you have selected your Persian kitten, you will need to gather the proper tools and equipment for the kitten’s care. Your Persian kitten demands extra care and attention, especially in the area of grooming. This article will focus upon feeding and litter box training.

Basic supplies include:

• Food and water bowls (preferably not made of plastic)
• Litter box
• Grooming supplies
• A specific place to sleep
• A sturdy scratching post
• Plenty of kitty toys
• A cat carrier

Things to take into consideration when purchasing food and water bowls are:

• Be sure they are correct height and size
• Kittens need bowls low-to-the-ground yet wide enough so they won’t be tipped over easily
• Place food and water bowls in a low-traffic area
• Avoid plastic bowls as they sometimes emit an odor and can cause feline acne if the rim gets rough or cracked
• Avoid ceramic (this material may contain lead and can break)
• Stainless steel is probably the best selection (it is easy to clean and dishwasher safe, does not have any of the problems plastic and ceramic dishes have)

Keep Persian kitten water and feeding bowls sterilized.

Persian kittens will need fresh water at all times. Change the water daily.

Options of feeding include:

• Leaving food out all the time
• If obesity is feared, a specific schedule is advisable
• Use the recommendation of your breeder or vet

As for the type of food: Please follow the link in the resource box of this article to learn about an all natural, high quality diet for your Persian kitten. If you will follow the links, you will find an informative video. Always start out with the food your breeder used. If the food is changed, do it gradually.

Hairball treatments are discussed in the web site I recommend for care of your Persian kitten (follow the link in this article to find more information).

Litter Box Training:

It is said that most cats instinctively know to use a litter box. Some basic tips include:

• When your Persian kitten first arrives, introduce him or her to the litter box first.
• Avoid moving the litter box around for decoration purposes. Pick a spot and leave it there.
• All cats are creatures of habit and they do not appreciate change in any of their routines.
• Do not be tempted to buy a certain brand of litter just because it is on sale. Your Persian kitten will surely be upset.
• Start out with the recommendation of your breeder since this is the brand Persian kitten is use to using.
• Try to place the litter box in a secluded, out-of-the-way area
• Persian kittens may need a smaller box at first so they can easily climb in and out of it
• As the Persian kitten matures into a cat, a bigger box will be necessary
• The litter boxes with a hood is probably the best choice because some cats can be standing inside the litter box yet actually eliminate outside. A litter box with a hood will prevent these accidents.
• Provide one litter box per cat. Cats do not like sharing their litter boxes
• Be aware to the fact that in a multi-cat household, the dominant cat will usually “mark” all the boxes in the home to show who is in charge
• Regardless of Mr. or Mrs. in Charge Cat, having multiple litter boxes, one for each cat, is still the best course of action.
• Cats are fastidiously clean animals, therefore, you must keep their litter boxes tidy as well
• A litter scooper that you can use to dispose of solid waste daily is necessary
• You will probably need to change the litter daily or else the Persian kitten may decide to find a cleaner, more suitable facility (a place you will not like)

I just recently saw an interesting litter box system. This box automatically scoops up old litter and provides new litter each time the cat uses the box. The box uses a disposable tray filled with litter that needs only removed and discarded monthly. However, this particular system did not have a hood, and was expensive. You can purchase the hood as an accessory (of course).

If you have several Persian cats in the household, this may not be an economical litter box system. Monthly charge for disposable trays of litter was around $20. The entire system with one month supply was over $100. Please follow the link in this article to learn where to purchase this item. You will also find additional information regarding litter box systems.

Your litter box will be a major important item. It is probably wise to learn what is available before Persian kitten arrives.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

Author's Bio: 

Written by: Connie Limon For more information about Persian cats visit:
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