When my hypnosis practice becomes inundated with inquiries about past life regression, I know that a TV program has just showcased the wonderful world of PLR. Thanks to Oprah and others, PLR has joined the mainstream. Most people are not aware that looking into your past life is even possible, or how beneficial it actually can be for just about anyone. Have you ever been somewhere and have felt like you were there before? Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection? Do you suffer from any inexplicable fears or phobias? These are just a few issues that can be addressed while in hypnosis during a PLR.

It may sound like a difficult feat, but viewing your past life is actually quite simple. During a typical session, the client goes into a hypnotic state using guided imagery, and taken back to a past life, two if time permits. There are many ways to access past lives, hypnosis being one of the safest and most efficient. Hypnosis allows you to be hyper focused and totally aware of what is going on while at the same time accessing the subconscious mind. We only use 10% of our conscious brain, leaving the rest to be a virtual mystery. This is why hypnosis is so useful. It can access the part of our brain, our subconscious mind and can help us change certain aspects that no longer work in our lives. The next question I am always asked is, “Are you sure I can be hypnotized?” My answer is always the same: Most likely! The vast majority, (92%) of people are able to be hypnotized and report enjoying the experience immensely. The next question is: “What does it feel like?” If you ever have been driving your car and zoned out; we call that “highway hypnosis”. Although your brain is focusing on something else, you are still in control and end up at your destination safe and sound.

Some people are afraid of not being in control, and acting or saying something embarrassing. You will not do or say anything that you would not do in everyday life. You are always in control of what you do or say, and nobody can make you do something you do not feel comfortable with.

Most people hope to see that they were Napoleon, or someone of great importance. Usually the past life is a mundane one; no princesses here! The purpose of regression is not only to experience yourself in a different reality, but also to get rid of certain aspects that you may have brought into this life. Recall can be run like a chronological movie, or can appear as snippets, and themes. Depending on the individual, clients sense their lives through sight, sound, smell , and intuition. Even names, locations, and languages can be recalled.

Another interesting aspect is at the end of the life you are viewing. You can observe the death experience while not reliving the trauma. A key component of the session is examining reoccurring patterns, particulars surrounding the death, and lessons learned and bringing them forward to this life. It is possible for our past selves to communicate with our present self. This is one of the most magical parts of the session. Your higher self gets to communicate with your current self. Imagine being able to have the ability to have any personal questions answered by an energy that has all the answers!
If you are not sure if you believe in past lives, the session can be experienced as examining archetypal symbols much like how we interpret our dreams. Whether you believe in actual past lives, or just their symbols for your life, Past life regression can no doubt open important doors and answer some probing questions.

Linda Marvin (R.I.H.R. C.H. C.T.) therapist/consulting hypnotist/certified trainer

Metaphysique:: Yorkville's Centre For Spiritual Growth www.metaphysique.ca

Author's Bio: 

Linda Marvin, RHIR ,CH,CI, MNLP

Linda Marvin runs the Spiritual Psychotherapy/ Hypnosis Clinic at Metaphysique; Yorkville’s Centre for Spiritual Growth.

Linda is a consulting hypnotist and hypnosis trainer, accredited by The National Guild of Hypnotists and trained in hypnosis for phobias, habit change pain management, past life regression, pediatric hypnosis, and hypno-birthing certification programs.

Linda sees clients in her role of Relationship Councilor, Life Coach and Group Therapy leader. Linda is certified as a Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (M.N.L.P) Practitioner and a member of The National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Programing

She is a Spiritual Director and a member of Spiritual Director International and the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies.

She has facilitated parenting groups for the Alfred Adler Institute and has been a motivational speaker and group leader for a prominent weight loss company.

Linda teaches a 3 hour introduction to Kabbalah class as well as an Introduction to Judaism.
Linda is a volunteer at Hospice Toronto.