By design we are as unique and individual as snowflakes. Even if you are an identical twin there will never be another person who is just like you. Though there are treasure maps hidden in the very structure of your body proclaiming who you are and how you will experience your world, you must have the courage to follow the wisdom that has been handed down from antiquity. This message was so important that the ancient Greek aphorism “gnothi seauton” (know thyself) was inscribed in golden letters at the lintel of the entrance to the temple of Apollo at Delphi. You must know who you are, how you think, why you react, and what motivates you before you can begin to know others.

Many of us have said, “Oh, I know who I am.” Yet do you truly know how you affect those with whom you are in relationships? Do you know how they really see you? A mirror is biased because only you are analyzing the reflection. We can never see ourselves as others see us. Have you ever had the experience of being with people and feeling uncomfortable? Does your fear of what the world may think or say about you hold you back? Or perhaps you’ve taken a different approach by saying, “Who cares what anyone thinks!” You barrel ahead, yet find yourself feeling alone even when you are with others. Do you feel love coming to you every day in every way? Are you happy and healthy? Is your life abundant?

You may be bound by the pain of past trauma or broken trust. To say you forgive them and then hold a grudge doesn’t work. Over time it will make you ill. To truly forgive is to be set free from all emotion binding you to a situation. Forgiveness gives you freedom from the need to revisit trauma over and over. True forgiveness allows access to the full flow of energy that is yours by Divine right, while giving you the strength, courage, and passion to find and live your purpose with fullness of being.

An analogy I use to describe passion is the wind. Imagine yourself on a sailboat, far from land. The sky is clear and a gentle breeze fills the sail as you glide along without a care. Suddenly the breeze dies down and there is a stillness in the air as the warm sun reflects from the mirrored surface of the water. All is peaceful and calm, yet there is a feeling of pressure. As you scan the horizon the sky is turning dark. The clouds are moving quickly in your direction and the waves begin lapping at the sides of the boat as the wind velocity increases. At this point it is extremely important to be able to harness that wind and direct your boat back to a safe harbor or your very life might be at risk.

Passion, like wind in the sails, requires knowledge and skill. Passion is the ignition key to unlimited possibilities. However, passion without purpose, may take you places you really do not want to go. Very much like the wind, when unbridled passion raging out of control. It can cause extensive damage to self and others. Yet when bridled with purpose, it can make what once seemed impossible an everyday occurrence. To harness the wind you must know when and how to turn the rudder to keep the sail full, or you will be adrift and unable to reach your goal of safety. In life you need a rudder and the knowledge of how to use it properly; otherwise the power of passion is lost and goals will not be reached.

I am so truly blessed to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit with a strong connection to God as my source. One of the greatest gifts I have ever received is finding my passion and discovering my purpose: “To be the difference that makes a difference!”

*** This article was republished with permission from the best-selling Wake Up...Live the Life You Love book series. To hear more information on this book and the book series, go to

Author's Bio: 

Frazier, Ilania Heigh

Public Speaker and Author, Ilania Heigh Frazier is passionate about her work and lives life with fullness of being. Her personal motto, “To be the difference that makes a difference!” becomes the experience of those she touches.
In Harmony, Inc
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