Leo, you own and manage one of the most read blogs on the internet, www.zenhabits.net

However, I would like to start at the beginning, if I can, tell us how you career started?

My career as a blogger started in January this year (2007) when I decided to do a blog about some of the things I've been learning about, and that I'm passionate about. I thought it would be nice to share these things with others, and that it would motivate me to achieve even more.

Then what happened?

Then I got a few initial readers, and decided to keep doing it, and then I got some more and they were all so encouraging and enthusiastic about the things I was writing that I put even more energy into it. And the more I put into it, the more encouragement and positive feedback I received.
Eventually I realized that this is something I'm passionate about, and hat I love doing. It's my calling.

And today?

Today I'm just loving what I'm doing, having a blast, and seeing what comes my way.

So, what is the formula for having a fantastic career?

I don't think there's one formula, but for me the key has been to try new things, not be afraid to pursue my interests and passions, and when I hit on something, I loved doing, pour my energy into it and see what happened.

It's also important to keep your eye out for opportunities, and jump at them when you get the chance.

What are the pitfalls that individuals should be on the lookout for, during their career?

Getting stuck in a rut, doing the same thing over and over again, even though you don't like it, just because that's what you've been doing. I think this is very common, and you need to be able to overcome the fear of doing something new, prepare yourself, try new things, and be willing to take the plunge.

Who has inspired you? What did you learn from those that you'd like to pass on?

I'm inspired daily by my readers. They are amazing, encouraging, positive, wonderful. I'm inspired by dozens of great bloggers who write incredibly well and have encouraged me from the beginning. I'm inspired by my wife and my kids, daily. I'm inspired by my mom.

What have I learned from them? So much! I think something I've taken away from all these people is the power of staying positive, and how that can change your life. It sounds trite, perhaps, but having a positive attitude changes everything, and with it, you can achieve just about everything. Don't listen to the naysayers - instead, surround yourself with positive, encouraging people (who aren't afraid to be honest, but in a constructive way).

What about mistakes – what common mistakes do you see others making and what would you do to overcome them?

Along the lines of my previous answer, negative thinking is the biggest mistake. It will absolutely hold you back. However, you have to be realistic: and so, instead of thinking negative, work to prepare yourself. Do research, practice, learn, plan, test, and adjust. And then, when you're ready, take the plunge. But don't let negative thoughts stop you.

Mentoring – is it important?

It's certainly useful. I would say it depends on what you're trying to do ... if you want to succeed in a company, it can be useful to have a mentor, not only to learn from but whose influence can help you. But other times, when you're more independent, a mentor isn't as important. Still useful, but not as important.

What is the most important think you have learned?

To simplify. Identify the essential, and focus on that completely. Eliminate the non-essential.
It reduces stress, makes you more effective and productive, makes you happier, and eliminates clutter of all types.

What information do you wish you had when you were first starting out on your career?

If you mean my blogging career (as opposed to my writing career, which actually started since high school), I don't think anything I could have known at the beginning could have helped me do better. I've done pretty well just learning as I go along, enjoying the process, interacting with readers, trying new things, getting better, refining my skills ... I wouldn't trade this learning process for anything.

What would you suggest to individuals if they were a new manager – on the first rung of the ladder?

Well, I don't actually recommend working for a corporation or other such company. It's good as a training ground, but not as a career.
Basically, you're beholden to someone else's priorities, whims, working habits. And you're making money for someone else, not yourself.

So my advice is to see your job as a training ground, as a way to network and learn skills, and to take full advantage of it in that light. And start taking steps and making plans to eventually go out on your own, as a freelancer or consultant or entrepreneur. Because then you'll have control over your life, and the opportunity to make money and be creative for yourself, not others.

What about those who are maybe over 40, have a mortgage, family, etc. What would you say to them to turn their career around?

Don't be afraid to break out from the mould. You still have half your life before you. How do you want to spend it? What's important to you?

If you could start with a blank slate, what would you do? Dare to dream. It's possible to change things you're not happy with, and have the life you want.

What about those who have their own business, it's not working as they would like it to be, tired, frustrated – what would you say to them?

Simplify, and focus. I can't make specific recommendations, but often a business owner is trying to do too much, and that is stressful and a waste of time. Figure out what makes most of your money, and focus on making that great, and marketing it well. Automate as much as possible, outsource the rest, eliminate yourself as the bottleneck, and let others do things that you've been doing. Then focus on more strategic stuff, rather than day-to-day stuff.

I would like to turn to your blog. What is behind the name and why/how did you start the blog?

I mentioned why I started my blog in my first answer, but the name Zen Habits captures the spirit of the blog: it is about peaceful simplicity, about creating habits that will lead to happiness, about finding the essence of things, and about being in the moment and enjoying life.

In running your blog, tell us about some successes/failures?

The successes have been entirely about the readers: forming a positive relationship with them, and finding mutual encouragement and fulfilment. Failures have been many, but small ... mostly things that I've learned along the way, things not to do and things I can do better. It's still a learning process and I hope it will always be.

What are the pitfalls that individuals should be on the lookout for, when starting and running a blog.

Remember to focus on the reader, not on yourself, or things you want to promote, or what you want to sell. It's about providing great content for the readers and interacting with them, not about the money you can make.

What is next for Leo?

I'm just going to keep myself open to new opportunities, keep doing my best, and see what comes my way. I'm working on a book right now, and might start a second blog sometime.

What is the first thing you recommend individuals do after reading this?

Identify your dreams. What is it that you love, that you're passionate about, that you really want to do? Then take a step today to make it a reality.

Author's Bio: 

Andrew Rondeau has built an online community to eliminate the loneliness and fear of being a manager.

You can find out how to simply and easily become a manager by using proven management and career tips at his free website www.greatmanagement.org

You can also get his free email Management Course and Report www.andrewrondeau.co.uk