What is the right way to organize my shoes? As an organizer, I often hear that question (or one like it). My answer is always the same: There is no “right” way to organize anything; you have to find a way that works best for you. At this point, most people breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe there’s hope for my closet after all, they reason.
While there is no right way to organize your shoes, there are some strategies you can use to make your closet work better.
**Last month we talked about looking at what you have, clearing out, and letting go of shoes you no longer like, use, or need (see “If the Shoe Doesn’t Fit”).
Once you have accomplished that, you are ready to sort your shoes. How do you think about your shoes? By color, heel height, designer, style? There is really no right way to sort your shoes. It just has to make sense to you (after all, you will be the one digging through your closet with that specific pair in mind).
Most people tend to sort by season (winter and summer) and then by function (work, casual, going out) and then by color. You may have other sub-categories, depending on how shoe-savvy you are.
Sort your shoes into piles according to the categories you’ve selected. Put like shoes with like shoes (all your black dressy slings in one pile, flirty summer sandals in another). Placing shoes (or any other item you are organizing) into piles with other like items will be very revealing. You will realize just how may pairs of similar shoes you really have. “Oh my gosh, I had no idea I had that many…” is the usual response. At this point, you may want to clear out and let go of more shoes that, upon further inspection, you decide you really don’t need or want. It is also okay to have a few pairs of similar shoes. We all have several pair of black shoes that are just a touch different from each other. It’s important simply to know what you have.
In piling similar types of shoes, you will also undoubtedly discover at least one long-lost treasure that you have been searching for (“Oh, there are my …). Most people “lose” items simply because they put them in a place that didn’t make sense to them.
After sorting your shoes and letting go of ones that you don’t need or want, you are ready to actually organize your shoes into proper homes. How should you store your shoes? Again, the answer is however works best for you. Some women store each pair in its original box (great for those who think of the shoe designer or the box color). Some even take pictures of each pair and tape it to the front of each box. Others store in shoe cubbies, trees, or other shoe organizers. Depending on your budget, the possibilities are endless. A big shoe pile in the corner of your closet, though, is never a good option. If you tend to be messy or always in a hurry, shoe cubbies or organizers, where you can see each pair and have quick access, work best.
After finding proper shoe containers, the next step is to decide on the location for each group of shoes you sorted. What category of shoes do you wear the most? Work? Casual? Going out? Put those shoes in the place where you have the best access to them (usually up front or at eye level). That is your prime real estate. At the same time, there are those “black holes” in your closet—places that you have to do a complex yoga move to reach. Put the shoes you wear the least there. That will help eliminate the last minute “I know my favorite black shoes are in here somewhere” problem. What you wear most should be in easy reach.
Within those sections, you may organize your shoes according to color and heel height (just like the boutiques). It helps to organize by color especially when it comes to returning shoes to their proper homes.
Finally, and most importantly, maintain your organization. Yes, we’d all like to have our own organizational fairy godmother, who waves her magic wand and—poof!—your shoes have found their way back home to their proper place. However, if you organize your shoes in a way that makes sense to you, your organization will be easier to maintain, and you won’t need her. With proper shoe containers, there will be an empty “parking space” to remind you where to put each pair. Remember, it is much easier to do daily maintenance than to let things pile up and get out of control (think back to your original mess!).
At the end of each season (winter and summer), switch your shoes over to the next season. As you are doing so, go through and clear out shoes that are uncomfortable, worn out, no longer your style, or just mistakes. Toss, donate, or sell, and then move them to a less traveled place in your closet, saving the prime real estate for the current season.
Organizing your shoe closet is easier than you might think. You’ll enjoy your shoes more, knowing where they are, having easy access to your favorites, and leaving room for a few new pairs as well.

Author's Bio: 

Renee Ursem, Professional Organizer, is the owner of Get It Together, LLC, offering clients simple practical solutions to organizational challenges.

Renee has expertly organized kitchens, closets, “junk” rooms, children’s rooms, garages, and offices for over 20 years. Clients find her calm, capable, and easy to work with. Renee is a creative problem-solver, always looking for the best solutions to organizational dilemmas.

Aside from her memberships in NAPO (National Association of Professional Organizers) and NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners), Renee has her Masters Degree in education. She enjoys speaking to groups and has published several articles. She can be reached at www.get-it-together-llc.com.