Reality is a story you tell or repeat in your mind over and over again. What appears to be your reality, is a mental story, a string of thoughts, playing on loop in your eternal Now.
In every one of your Now moments, you are generating an image of your life complete with all the characters you have labeled in various of ways. You're re-generating a story about your every relationship. Your relationship with "parents," your relationship with "siblings," your relationship with "friends," your relationship with "lovers," your relationship with "money", your relationship with your body - for every aspect of your physical life you are generating or re-generating some story about it - some belief, some thought pattern that you keep repeating.
Thought is the basis of everything that manifests as your lived experience. Thought is the realest thing there is since it is the root of physical existence, the subtle frequency which sets into motion the reorganizing of your Universe or perspective. And it's this repeating thought-pattern, this story you keep telling about who you are, what's happened to you, what your body is or does, and the beings who are in your life with you, that is the template to which this brilliant receptive universe complies.
Everything and everyone is as significant or relevant to your experience as you make them out to be. No one else's mind is dictating your experience, threading your thoughts together. Your thoughts. Your choice of focus. Your story. Your reality.
So all things appear as you've believed them into being. This thing that you see as "reality" is just a story you're telling mentally, projecting outward, and then translating as your physical experience.
There is no past. There is no present. And there is no future. Time, the illusory continuity of a past, present and a future, is a mental construct. It's a mode of thinking you've adapted or have programmed yourself with. And there is no "other" out there either. An “other” seen to be isolated and separated from you is just more mental fabrication. What you are is peering through into this view and constructing this apparently physical universe in a most subtle yet brilliantly inexplicable way.
What there appears to be is thought-forms, energy patterns, that you glow into being through the power of your attention and focus. And in your giving of attention to these thought-forms, to these mental stories you have formed on every subject from broad to personal, you flow life-force right into them. You summon and flow the infinite energy that builds universes right into them. You create, sustain, and re-create them. You materialize them.
Every Now moment offers you the opportunity to withdraw completely from the mental stories you're telling, from all the characters you're bringing into life in your mind, including the personal "me" persona you construct.
There are no uninvited guests. There are no uninvited circumstances. There are no imposed conditions. For everything that appears to be does so in response to the story you're silently telling in you own mind, whether you're consciously aware of that story or not.
Yet, every Now moment offers you a clean slate, a means to start new, to cease telling what's been on loop and instead generate the story the way you want it to be, if you want it to be at all.
There are no characters. There is no story or script. All of it, every aspect of it, is a construction of the brilliance of thought. And you, as always, rest prior to all of it. Be still. Withdraw attention. Start new, in your ever available Here & Now.
Kidest is a personal and spiritual transformation consultant offering her perspective to guide and direct those on the spiritual and self-improvement path. For more information about her approach, please visit:
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